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Thread: spool gun questions

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  1. #1

    Default spool gun questions

    I searched the forum with no success so Here goes

    What contact tip and other consumables do I use for the SM-200-N spool gun?

    The spool gun did not come with any nomenclature so Being a novice I have no idea other then what the Miller welding calculator lists and what little I could find on the web. I will be welding Aluminum, or at least trying to.
    so any heads up on base settings would be great.
    My welder is the I mig 205 and supports a spool gun so I am just looking for the settings to get me started for welding aluminum with .035 wire and argon gas
    Does aluminum mig need to be done with spray transfer mode?
    Everlast I mig 205
    Everlast 200 amp spool gun
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  2. #2


    The tips are the same as the mig gun (TWECO 11 series.) I believe the others cons are as the same as the mig gun as well, though these are either going to be equivalent to Binzel or Trafimet. You need to buy one size larger tip so the aluminum won't swell and seize in the tip due to the heat and expansion of the aluminum..

    All aluminum should be welded in spray transfer. Its not hard to do, but you'll need to play with it until you get a nice, clean hiss. Keep plenty of contact tips handy while you are learning.

  3. #3


    The SM 200-N spool gun use parts compatable with Binzel 24KD type mig gun and the contact tips are metric M 6 thread ,tweco 11 style tips will thread in my SM 200-N spool gun...
    Last edited by Doxie; 10-25-2011 at 06:01 PM.
    Trermal Arc T-Bird 270 Amp gas welder gen
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