This is a '65 saab 96 that I cleaned up for the boss to give to one of his son-in-laws. this spot is rusty on ALL of them. ALL.
what was there:
with bottom 2.5" of the (rusty) firewall cut away:
a section that needed to be replaced in the inner fender well (and the swiss cheese that came out):
the hole I ended up with after cutting out all the rusty bits and the main patch 'panel' (yes, it's basically just flat 19ga.)
you can see that I plug welded everything, used the I-MIG, of course. probably around 16.5v, and '185' on the wirespeed, but that doesn't actually mean anything on anyone elses unit. I think that translates to about 375ipm, .030" ER70S6.
(cont'd next post due to pic count limit)