Welding table questions - opinions requested
So it's still up in the air if I can afford the TIG (though hopefully winning will take care of that question
) but I HAVE to get a welding table to do this decorative project. Tried with clamps and plywood clamped to 1" square tube, but it's nowhere near flat or true enough.
I'd love a build-pro, but $2k is out of the question. I've decided this is an investment and allotted about $200 +/- $50 for a table. Now the question at hand is, do I go with a Stronghand Nomad, with the 14ga top or the Miller ArcStation with a 3/16 top and X pattern.
It seems obvious, one is twice as thick and one is near half as much, but I'm looking at it as an investment and looking for longevity. I don't have room really for the double-Nomad, though the space would be nice, and one end of this project will stick out, as it's 5' long.
Will I be happier with the heavy top on the Miller? Will I kick myself for not saving $100 and the 14ga is enough?
EDIT: Just saw the ArcStation is $235, free shipping on Cyberweld with $25 cash back, so it's really only about a $60 difference. thinking of ordering that tomorrow, but I'd really like some input, has anyone used one, is this a case of ignore price and one is better than the other?
Last edited by Trip59; 10-27-2011 at 04:44 PM.
Trip Bauer
Former USN HT
Everlast 200DX New Model
Hobart Handler 125 MIG
Van Norman #12
Atlas 12" engine lathe
'98 RoadKing - 84 Ironhead - 59 Ironhead