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Thread: Hooking up water cooler....Help... Hose to short?

  1. #1

    Default Hooking up water cooler....Help... Hose to short?

    So if I stretch the hose tight, it's about 2" short from making it to the cooler from my PT 250EX. Is it possible to add a completely new hose without splicing and if the answer is yes, where do I get the hose? I guess even if the answer is no, where do I get the hose!?
    Why wouldn't they add an extra foot to the hose just in case, it probably wouldn't cost but another .05 cents....

  2. #2


    This is too funny, but I will play along, my advice is to put a couple of 2 x 4's under the cooler to raise it up on the cart, that should give enough slack to make the connection.

  3. Default

    It is a very simple solution . You have a rubber sleeve over all the lines . If you need a couple of more inches just slit the rubber sleeve a couple of inches to give yourself more line coming from the torch. You do not need to lengthen the water lines .
    If you need more detailed instructions just drop me a line or call the office in the morning

    905 637 1637

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Titan winch View Post
    It is a very simple solution . You have a rubber sleeve over all the lines . If you need a couple of more inches just slit the rubber sleeve a couple of inches to give yourself more line coming from the torch. You do not need to lengthen the water lines .
    If you need more detailed instructions just drop me a line or call the office in the morning
    For the line running to the torch I could cut the sleeve and be fine. For the line that ties in near the input to the welder there is no moving it. I had to add a coupler and hose to make it work.
    Sorry my question is humerous but I spent alot of money and want to do this right
    Last edited by CGCINC; 10-29-2011 at 01:09 AM.

  5. #5


    Any good local hardware store should have the barbed fitting and extra hose. Remember that the pressure is only 50 PSI. Just get the stuff that's reinforced. You can use hose clamps, but stainless safety wire works just as well.
    Everlast 250EX with cooler and WP20 Torch
    Millermatic Mig Welder
    Gas welding setup
    A bunch of Snap-On tools
    And a Brain

  6. #6


    Yeah, I have already fixed it so its good.

  7. Default

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	HPIM0108.jpg 
Views:	373 
Size:	130.7 KB 
ID:	3966

    Sorry for the Confusion on my part for the hose being to short from the connector.
    Here in Canada we use a Different Quality torch to that of the US and as can be seen in the Photo our black with red braided hoses are longer to than those supplied in th U.S.
    Last edited by Titan winch; 11-09-2011 at 06:21 PM.

    905 637 1637

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