i just got a poweritig 250. we were playing with it this afternoon and figgured out that we did no have the right set up so i was woundering if any one could tell my what peice of the puzzle i am missing.'
i am running pure tungstion the biggest the torch would hold
75/25 mix of argon and co2
running on dc(dont quit understand the pulse feature yet)
mild steel 1/8-1/4
i have moved the flow around from say 5 l/m to 30 l/m and didnt have much change
i can get it to ark but its all over the place and i imediatly burns the point off even with it just bearly stickng out of the nozzel, and the nozzle its self its getting nasty with build up , im running on about 50-60 amps ....
i have no idea what the deal is, i can weld just about any thing with stick, wire, or oxyfuel, and i can make beads and butt seam with this tig but its eating up tungston way to fast unless its way up in the nozzle and then i cant see what im doing...
any point in the right direction would be a great help