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Thread: ornamental iron work

  1. #1

    Default ornamental iron work

    I am doing a project for my wife Its always good to use my toys for her benefit (love getting those brownie points plus I bought the HF scroll attachment just for her ) It is mild steel 3/16 x 3/4 flat and I am doing a scroll type wall art for the Sun room.
    I have both tig and mig. And will be welding on the 3/16 edge. Tig fusion leaves a nice flat bead and looks good but will it hold well enough?
    Mig leaves a pretty fat bead and is not as good looking. is there a way to get a flater mig bead and if so which way is better?
    Everlast I mig 205
    Everlast 200 amp spool gun
    Everlast 250 ex
    H. F. 12x36 lathe
    Grizzly Mill
    10,000 lb two post lift
    Box and Pan Brake
    Bead roller
    jet 5x7 horizontal band saw
    Wilton 14 inch vertical band saw
    Mitec 50 A plasma cutter.
    tool grinder
    20 ton press and press brake
    more power and hand tools then I can list here
    Dodge Neon that runs 10.23 @143 mph in the quater
    70 Chevelle convert
    It took 62 years But I finally have my dream Garage

  2. #2


    Instead of welding on the edge, is there someway you can drill a hole on the flat and use a pocket weld.

  3. #3


    I know this has nothing to do with thread but how the heck do you get a neon to run 10.23@143mph do you have a rocket strapped to rear bumper Wow

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by 67cudafb View Post
    I know this has nothing to do with thread but how the heck do you get a neon to run 10.23@143mph do you have a rocket strapped to rear bumper Wow
    Need to get some traction on that thing and it'll be in the 9's with that mph!
    Everlast 200DX
    Everlast PT185
    Shoptask 3-in-1 (not currently in my garage, but I own it...)

    Any day on a motorcycle like this that ends just needing parts and labor is a good day.
    4.82, 158.67mph 1/8th mile 7.350, 200.35mph 1/4 mile

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by sportbike View Post
    Need to get some traction on that thing and it'll be in the 9's with that mph!
    We have all the traction we need but can only build 4 to 6 lbs of boost at launch (1.8 60 ft.) so we are in the process of adding N2O to get us back into the 1.6 60s.

    Quote Originally Posted by 67cudafb View Post
    I know this has nothing to do with thread but how the heck do you get a neon to run 10.23@143mph do you have a rocket strapped to rear bumper Wow
    600 hp to the wheels with a 2.4 liter motor and a built 3 spd auto oh and 37 lbs of boost
    Everlast I mig 205
    Everlast 200 amp spool gun
    Everlast 250 ex
    H. F. 12x36 lathe
    Grizzly Mill
    10,000 lb two post lift
    Box and Pan Brake
    Bead roller
    jet 5x7 horizontal band saw
    Wilton 14 inch vertical band saw
    Mitec 50 A plasma cutter.
    tool grinder
    20 ton press and press brake
    more power and hand tools then I can list here
    Dodge Neon that runs 10.23 @143 mph in the quater
    70 Chevelle convert
    It took 62 years But I finally have my dream Garage

  6. #6

    Default should be able to build more boost if your drivetrain can handle it.
    What Engine management are you using? Are you using a "canned" antilag or programming it yourself?

    What are you using for a compressor? GT40?

    Oh...I would think the autogeneous tig weld on the edge should be fine. Post up a picture....and maybe start another thread in the chat for the car talk. Maybe we can compare notes and see if we can get you some more power off the line.

    Everlast 200DX
    Everlast PT185
    Shoptask 3-in-1 (not currently in my garage, but I own it...)

    Any day on a motorcycle like this that ends just needing parts and labor is a good day.
    4.82, 158.67mph 1/8th mile 7.350, 200.35mph 1/4 mile

  7. #7

    Default here are the pictures

    Its all done except for paint, or maybe powder coating.
    I wanted to leave it out in the elements for a bit then just clear-coat it, you know that old school patina so popular on Rat Rods but the boss had other ideas
    Never did scroll work before I kind of enjoy it. The final design is nothing like I had sketched up in my head the original plan was to have it in a 3/4 sq tube rectangle frame I like this better.
    Oh and this was the first real project I did with the tig.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	sun room 003.jpg 
Views:	355 
Size:	59.1 KB 
ID:	3889   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	sun room 006.jpg 
Views:	350 
Size:	92.1 KB 
ID:	3890  

  8. #8

    Default Its finished

    I decided to paint it rather then powder coat due to time and cost of the powder coating.
    My wife loves it and now wants me to make candle holders to match. Now I have
    to buy a ring roller just to do her project, the things I do for family
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	sun room 008.jpg 
Views:	354 
Size:	125.7 KB 
ID:	3918   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	sun room 007.jpg 
Views:	382 
Size:	125.8 KB 
ID:	3919  
    Everlast I mig 205
    Everlast 200 amp spool gun
    Everlast 250 ex
    H. F. 12x36 lathe
    Grizzly Mill
    10,000 lb two post lift
    Box and Pan Brake
    Bead roller
    jet 5x7 horizontal band saw
    Wilton 14 inch vertical band saw
    Mitec 50 A plasma cutter.
    tool grinder
    20 ton press and press brake
    more power and hand tools then I can list here
    Dodge Neon that runs 10.23 @143 mph in the quater
    70 Chevelle convert
    It took 62 years But I finally have my dream Garage

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