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Thread: bike build (lots of pics)

  1. #1

    Default bike build (lots of pics)

    i was like halfway done with one. i dunno wtf happened to it.

    anyways.. so, ya. this is my bike. 2000 Kawasaki ZX7-R. been thru hell and high water with the thing. eventually it'll get a turbo, which is where the new welder will really help out.
    right now, it's still somewhat in stock trim, except for a bunch of custom carbon fiber stuff, a factory proadjustable ignition rotor, "kleen air" (smog junk) blockoffs..

    ok. on to the pics.

    after i got the bike back fro ma 10 month long hiatus (stolen) it was missing alot of stuff.. the shifter was broken off.

    so, when i was a machinist, i made one!

    material is 6061 T6511 1" round stock.

  2. #2

    Default pt 2

    ok. on to other bits. the frame had been polished, but it was such a piss-poor job it made me want to punch babies.

    so, a month later and COUNTLESS hours and days.. i did the frame, the foot contols, and eventually blended a peeling spot on the chrome rims. the levers were drilled on a Fadal 3 axis CNC.

    this thing was disgusting before the restoration.

    this was fitting the turbo which, i scrapped the idea on. that turbo is entirely too big. mistu TD04-L (13g) with a .61 turbine A/R. WAY too big for 750CC's. only need 150cfm @ 10krpm (not redline tho. just a base number) that turbo makes 360cfm at gonna use a T25 (with a .45 A/R)

    so, with that nasty bike, i decided to, like i said.. restore it.
    redid alot of stuff. and this is when i started alot of one-off crap as well.
    Last edited by whitehendrix; 09-08-2009 at 05:30 AM.

  3. #3

    Default pt 3

    on with the repainting and making road-worthy again!

    CF blockoff plates and sprocket guard.

    making the subframe shiney now.

    carbon fiber accent plates. don't do anything but look pretty.
    i love CF.

    busted *** plastics.
    had em glassed up tho. they're perfect.. well, for what they are. i had to do ALOT of work to get them to be useful again. the damage was extensive when the previous owner crashed it.
    i personally never dropped this bike

  4. #4

    Default pt 4

    glassed up front fairing.

    the orignal gauges.

    my custom CF dash. utilizes the original gauge housing with some mods.. using white LEDs for backlighting. also, if you noticed, theres the presense of agas gauge. the 7-R never came wit any means of fuel level indication. i welded a flange on the back of my tank and installed a float and sender off another older bike of mine. modified it a bit to work and fit.
    i think i probably have the only 7-R in the world with a gas gauge. lol

    beautiful sound and look. and not annoyingly loud. don't really care for loud pipes.

    lots of stuff was bought and build since this last pic.
    i acquired a sidemount intercooler off a 2nd gen mitsu eclipse. i'll mod it to work under the tank. sorta goin for a sleeperish/mass centralization thing here.
    Last edited by whitehendrix; 09-08-2009 at 05:33 AM.

  5. #5

    Default pt 5

    i hate the way the taillight sticks WAY out, so i "freched" it like a typical hot rodder would do.. lol

    i want a smoked lense instead of the clear, and thats in the works.. but i love the LED's light output and longevity.

    just worry free.
    some horrible FCAW beads.

    since i'm sorta going in sequence off photobucket, the slies!! haha

    i drilled a .024" hole in them. drilling the slides makes them more responsive if the hole is the right size. too big and the slide picks up too fast, making the bike run overly rich. too small a hole and it leans it a bit and it'll stumble.

    a little test fit of some bodywork.. note what the headlights look like. that changes soon.

    a bit of head work..

    Last edited by whitehendrix; 09-08-2009 at 05:34 AM.

  6. #6

    Default pt 6

    the intercooler. again, abbreviated version is a mitsu 2G DSM SMIC.
    i'll hack the tanks and flip some stuff around to make it perfect. other than that, it really doesn't need much modification at all.

    i'll make a pan that uses the air from the stock ram-air setup. this air is what will cool the intercooler.

    it'll exhaust out from under the seat and tank in a crafty fashion.

    charge pipe comes out right where i want and need it.

    ok.. well, not much progress occured except for getting mitrrors, an upper fairing bracket, bits and pieces, misc brackets and parts.
    my fav i think next to the CF dash is the mercedes benz HID projectors. they have high and low beam. i managed to fab a bracket for each of them and install them in the stock housing.

    cooked the light in the oven at 250*F for a few minutes to soften the sealant up, then pried the housing open ( carefully, the clear part is glass, not plastic) and procedded to make it sorta look like a buell or an 09 yamaha R1.. lol
    i don't care tho. i live in retard/geriatric/drunk/deer country. i want to see and be seen.

    hooked up to the tractor for power.

    the high beam solenoids ( just moves a reflector out of the way to allow more light output)

    stock housing

    they look mean. lol
    Last edited by whitehendrix; 09-08-2009 at 05:17 AM.

  7. #7

    Default pt 7

    oh.. those LEDs in the corners of the bezel are not stock. also something i added.
    painted everything high temp flat black. thus the evil look. note the 2% throiated under the scissors.. lol

    i personally like how clean the wiring turned out, compared to the 3rd pic above this one.. all those wires!

    i made a custom harness as well. for both the bike and the HID system. it's what i call a split system. the germans evidently do things the wierd way. they separate the inverter and step-up section. they invert and step up to 85VAC, then run that to another transformer to step up to 25Kv to ignite the arc in the lamp.
    all those wires scared me (being a controls engineer, i like to see clean wiring..)
    the tiny bundle coming from the top center of the housing is what actuate the high beam solenoids. that way when ppl flash me thinking i have my high beams already on, i can prove them incorrect. haha. lots of idiots around here who already drive with them on anyway. i don't but still..

    and heres a horrible cell phone shot of them on the bike.
    the bike still needs a bit of work.. had a run-in with some sorta mystery fluid that jacked my #1 carb all to hell, and filled the #2 intake runner full of something thtat looked like milk. it was also corrosive, as the splatter pitted my polished frame!!

    wasn't at ALL happy about that.

    polished it back out the best i could and fixed my carb and blew the garbage out of the intake runner (Thank God the valves were closed!!!)

    also installed an aluminum fan blade. the 7-R is a notorious heat generator. some of them have melted the stock plastic fan blades. they also have probably one of the worst electrical systems i've ever seen. so, when the fans lock up, they pull a LRA that far exceeds the amapcity of the wires. if the fuse blows, great! if not, it vcauses all sorts of issues.
    i have actually become a worldwide known 7-R expert.. i could write a book on the crap i've seen i get people from spain, russia, japan.. everywhere asking me about these bikes now.. kinda cool tho. i dig it.

    well, thats about it for now. i have a few more days i need to work on this thing. i may just truck it out here to the house and work on it in the spare time, since i'm in the middle of an engine build and several other time-soaking projects at the shop. i need the space there anyway!

    hopefully i'll have it done by this weekend. .. got a hot date!

    edit: this is what the bike looked like BEFORE the teardown. shoould look a bit better afterwards!

    i'm hoping, anyway!!

    Last edited by whitehendrix; 09-08-2009 at 05:26 AM.

  8. #8


    Hello whitehendrix,
    I'm not sure if it's me or not but I don't see any pictures. I'm at work so I'll have to check again when I get home. It sounds like a great project you have there. Good luck with it and keep us posted.

  9. #9


    I see a lot of pictures and a TON of work.


    First off glad you got the bike back

    On the polishing, punch the guy that polished it the first time, not babies. Though some kids need it these days.

    WOW, the polishing you did is nice. I use the red and white sticks on my vette rims and it is a lot of work but looks like chrome when done. What did you use.

    Nice job on the shifter to. You have some nice tools.

    Keep on the project. Looks nice.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  10. #10


    Nice work, HID's are real nice too!
    POWERMASTER 205 AC/DC Pulse TIG, Plasma and Stick

  11. #11


    I fired up the home system tonight so I could see the bike pictures and I must say it was worth the wait! That bike is sweet. You have really added to the bike with so many changes that pop out in every picture. Great detail. Are you going to show the bike? What year and modle did the lights come from?

  12. #12


    i wrote something here.. i have no idea wtf just happened to it.

    anyway.. .. thanks!! haha.. i appreciate the comments.. it means alot with as much work has gone into this thing.

    still a good bit of work ahead of me, but for now.. it's pretty much done.

    lil metal magic. nice, simple tag bracket with carbon fiber hanger.

    heres how i did the HID power.. had a lil issue with them flickering with the voltage drop of the undersized wires. the 7-R's strongpoint is CERTAINLY not the electrical system

    i'm pretty happy so far with how it came out.. like i said.. theres still alot left.. lots of little things i need to make or go over or tidy up and whatnot.

    still waiting on a few parts.. at least it's ready tho when the stuff comes in. synced the carbs, fixed a few issues, .. everythings ready!! can't wait to go for a ride.

    i do plan on doing a few shows when its a bit more show worthy.. some may say it's fine, but as you guys know.. what looks perfect to one or many, you know the flaws and it irks you til you fix them.. hahaha

    once i get the turbo stuff finished, it'll see landspeed, drag, street and show use.

    NO trailer queens!

    as far as the lights, i have no idea what year otr model car they came from. i'm certain tho that pretty much any projector assembly can be used in similar retrofits. a buddy in texas just did an HID projector install on his bike ( same as mine) utilizing Volvo semi (tractor/trailer..) lights. i've seen BMW, nissan murano, volvo, adui.. you name it.. someone has used it!!

    well, it's not too far from 5 am.. been on this thing for 9 hours today straight.

    time for some sleep! hopefully i can get it at least ridable (pending the part shows up..) and take it out!

    thanks again for te comments!

    Last edited by whitehendrix; 09-16-2009 at 08:40 AM.

  13. #13


    I may have to look into a set of those lights to use a driving lights on my 55 Tbird project.
    Thanks again for sharing.

  14. #14


    ya man, those lights are absolutely stellar. i love em. about 300% more safe for me as well.

    got some new build pics soon to be coming.. the turbo project should be underway this year, and i work at a race shop now, and i've got some things to fab up for some cars that should be pretty sweet, and have a "shop project".. a golf cart with an R6 motor in it

  15. Default

    Nice lights looks like an alien. those must light up the road well.
    I build bikes also. I'll try to post a picture.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  16. #16


    very cool. anything to be unique is awesome, and safer as well.....nice!
    Lincoln Power Mig 255
    Lincoln Pro Cut 25
    Power Tig 250ex and 300 cooler

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