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Thread: Power Pro 205 Foot Amp Control

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  1. #1

    Default Power Pro 205 Foot Amp Control

    Does anyone know how the new PowerPro205 when using the footpedal controls the amps? What I'm wondering is if do you set the max amps on the machine and then the footpedal controls upto that max amp. Or is the full range of amps controlled on the footpedal regardless of the machine setting?
    Brandon Raineri
    The Pennsylvania State University
    Studying Industrial Engineering

    Everlast PowerPro 205
    Everlast I-Mig 200
    SpeedGlas 9100x
    Milwaukee 14" Dry Cut Saw
    Craftsman 6"x48" Belt Sander with 9" Disc Sander

  2. #2


    This would be a question for Ray I think. He has had some. I haven't had much contact with the latest 205. Previous versions had a knob on the pedal.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Chugiak , Alaska


    My understanding is that the model that has the on – off switch for the pulse, is 0 – 200 with no limit other than the pedal itself.

    But Let me double check that, I have a demo unit that I haven’t wired up yet. The new ones are very similar to the 256, so let me try it out and let you know for sure.

    Everlast Sales and Support Team.

    877-755-9353 X207

  4. Default

    I believe that you set the amps on the machine and the foot pedal controls to the limit you set on the machine. I usually have the machine set between 90 - 100 amps and depress the foot pedal all the way at the beginning and back off as needed.
    PowerPro 205
    9" South Bend Lathe
    Enco Mill/Drill
    Evolution Rage 2

  5. #5


    Alright I actually should be able to do some testing to this weekend since I'm back from school. Also I was wondering how does pulse work with the footpedal because on the machine is says pulse percentage so does it take a percentage of the amperage your at on the footpedal or does pulse somehow get overridden when the footpedal is on.
    Brandon Raineri
    The Pennsylvania State University
    Studying Industrial Engineering

    Everlast PowerPro 205
    Everlast I-Mig 200
    SpeedGlas 9100x
    Milwaukee 14" Dry Cut Saw
    Craftsman 6"x48" Belt Sander with 9" Disc Sander

  6. #6


    It works in ratio with your foot pedal position on the PP 256's. If your 205 adjusts amperage on the panel, then that is how it does it as well....even if it doesn't, the ratio adjustment means that the pulse is operating in a ratio to whatever the actual amps are putting out at that time. So no, the pulse isn't overridden.

  7. #7


    Found out today that the pedal does control the pulse amps and the amps you set at the machine is the max the machine will use and the pedal regulates the amount
    Brandon Raineri
    The Pennsylvania State University
    Studying Industrial Engineering

    Everlast PowerPro 205
    Everlast I-Mig 200
    SpeedGlas 9100x
    Milwaukee 14" Dry Cut Saw
    Craftsman 6"x48" Belt Sander with 9" Disc Sander

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