Here's a picture of the the first weld I've ever made, it was done with my new PP256 a 3/32 6013 rod at about 100 amps A/C on 2 4" pieces of 3x3 angle iron butted up end to end. I know nothing about welding so it was pure luck but I think it turned out not to bad. I found positioning myself properly was the most important thing. Now for the plasma cutter I'm not having much luck and I think I'm going to have to check the spark gap, the pilot ark only fires about 2 out of 10 tries and as soon as I touch the ark to the metal it goes out. I have the torch in the - and the clamp in the +, tried 60 and 80 psi.
I'm excited to cut that 3" angle iron up and weld it back together a lot for practice.