The ideal mig unit would be 250 amps (the most amps you can suck out of a 50 amp breaker) with a spool gun and does stick welding, problem is nobody makes such a unit, so the next best thing IMO is the Imig 205 or the Imig 205P with a spool gun. they do decent stick, the spool gun is a real beefy unit and I can get by on a 200 amp mig, That's why I have two Imig 205's (i garage, 1 shop). The Imig 205 gun and cable is beefy, well built and will last a long time, the unit has done me well and I like the stick welding on it. If you can get a spool gun and an Imig 205 or 205P for the kinda money you are taking about, you will do well.
Some of those lies people tell about me, are true