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Thread: Combination pedal/trigger

  1. #1

    Default Combination pedal/trigger

    Is there any way to tie the foot pedal and finger trigger to a tig machine at the same time?

    This would be great for 180 amp finger tacks and 0-180 pedal welds ( example )without swaping cords. This would save dragging ( kicking ) the pedal around the frame jigs for tacking.

    I know a 5p/2t switch would do it with a little external wiring, but I'm looking for an option with no switches.


  2. Default

    What mode of operation are you looking for? The machine uses the pedal for the output amps, so just pressing the torch switch, you would be at min amps.

    You could hook up a 2p/2t relay that you trip with the torch switch, that breaks the pedal loopback so the machine will use the panel amps, and also trip the contactor as the torch switch would.

    This would be an abnormal condition since the pot is connected but not the loopback.
    A 4p/2t relay could do the job. Disconnect any two of the pot wires (the other one can float), open the loopback, and short across the pedal switch. This would be powered by an external supply that is switched by the torch switch. The relay will break-before-make, so it will look to the machine like you pulled the pedal and attached the torch switch. It should tolerate such a hot-plug operation. Perhaps Mark can verify that. Then you can use the pedal normally or the torch switch.

    If you want a more precise description, or a diagram of what I'm talking about, I would be happy to accommodate.

  3. #3


    I would be looking for standard 2t with the trigger, or standard pedal. I think the relay would be about the same as a 5 pole switch, only automatic.

    Hot switching is my main concern.

    Dual sockets may be a nice option for future designs


  4. #4


    Since Miller, and Lincoln aren't putting it on their units, I'd say its a safe bet it will be a while before we do. Its not a practical thing to make a major redesign like that which would include new case designs and full circuitry redesign of the foot pedal circuit.

  5. #5


    Would a field installed relay or switch in a Y configuration cause hot plugging problems with the tig machine?


  6. #6


    I found a picture of the back of the new EXT welder, there is a toggle switch marked- remote control / panel control. Will this need to be switched when swapping from pedal to trigger?


  7. #7


    The 250 EX has one too but you can't see it...

  8. #8


    So the switch or relay idea is a no-go?

  9. #9


    While I understand what you are trying to do, by just leaving everything connected, no other company does this that I am familiar with, and its probably for a reason. I guess you could always splice in and put a disconnect switch that would throw all the lines at one time. But everything you do additionally adds to the cost and decreases the reliability.

  10. #10



    Could you explain the toggle switch marked- remote control / panel control a liitle more? I am curious if it is possible to use the pedal as a 2t switch with this setup. My other everlast tig does not have this switch, so I am unfamiliar.

  11. #11



    I am not sure what more there is to explain. This is a standard switch found on all welders that choose what type operation you wish to conduct with the machine.
    The standard tig series has it as well, its just that the pins are shunted together to serve as the switch in the other series and sends the signal to the unit that it will be used for foot pedal use when it is plugged in.

  12. #12


    i dont know if this will help, but have you though about a finger amp control? i donno if thats even what your asking about here, but heres the ck page....
    Journeyman welder
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  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by jerky View Post
    i dont know if this will help, but have you though about a finger amp control? i donno if thats even what your asking about here, but heres the ck page....

    I'm really not sure what I am asking about yet. The situation I have is, I used to tack frames together on the jig using a mig and then move the frames to the table to tig using the pedal. I switched from my pedal only Syncrowave to an Everlast with a finger trigger and soon realized how much nicer the tig is for tacking using high amerage bursts with the trigger, but I still prefer the pedal for tube welding on the table.

    Long story short- I am looking for an easy way to use one welder with the pedal for table welding and the trigger for tacking without swaping plugs and a switch every time.

    This may all change with the extra control the 250EXT will deliver.

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