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Thread: PP 256 CNC port pinout and docs

  1. #1

    Default PP 256 CNC port pinout and docs

    Where can I find docs for the CNC port on the back of the PP 256?


    Everlast PP256
    Smith Oxy/Acetylene torch
    Atlas 10-F QC54 Lathe
    Seig X2 Mill modified for CNC

  2. Default

    Power Pro 256? It has a CNC port?
    Does this look right?

  3. #3


    Even though it has the port, I think you'll regret fooling with it on that machine.

  4. #4



    The connector pin layout looks the same. It would be nice to have the official docs though. I checked the PowerPlasma 60 manual, but it didn't document it either. Building at CNC router/plasma table is on my medium to long term want-to-do list. From looking at one of the plasma cutters linked on the torchmate site ( hypertherm 65 ), along with the link you provied, my guess is I'd provide a relay to start pins 1&2, and wait for the "ok-to-move" to close.
    Everlast PP256
    Smith Oxy/Acetylene torch
    Atlas 10-F QC54 Lathe
    Seig X2 Mill modified for CNC

  5. #5



    Can you elaborate why I would regret it?

    Thanks, Andy
    Everlast PP256
    Smith Oxy/Acetylene torch
    Atlas 10-F QC54 Lathe
    Seig X2 Mill modified for CNC

  6. Default

    The docs that came with the powerplasma60c had that image I linked to.. thats it.. nothing in the pdf manual.

  7. Default

    I would love to know what you mean by that ? Why is the port there if it shouldn't be used ? How does the 60Amp output of the 256 make it different than the dedicated 60A plasma unit ?

    I'm, obviously delighted to see the port there.

    Thanks !

  8. #8


    I will ask a still question : What is this port used for? My guess is torch control for CNC type welding?

  9. #9


    It controls the plasma side only...though I personally don't recommend the unit be used but for the lightest CNC work only.

  10. #10


    Hi Mark,

    Hey, why would the capacity be different hand-held than during CNC work, if the feed speed is the same? You worried about the sustained load a CNC operation can have?

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    It controls the plasma side only...though I personally don't recommend the unit be used but for the lightest CNC work only.
    So occasional hobiest work on sheet metal would be ok, but not for production cutting of 3/4 inch plate?
    Everlast PP256
    Smith Oxy/Acetylene torch
    Atlas 10-F QC54 Lathe
    Seig X2 Mill modified for CNC

  12. #12


    The machine is 35% duty cycle...and the performance is not as good as a stand alone unit in plasma. CNC is always rated for half of what the standard hand held service is as well, no matter the brand.

    I'd expect with the 256, you'd want to stay under 1/4" for CNC.

  13. #13


    I would guess any brand combo machine is not really designed for any heavy fab work built mainly for hobby work.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    So occasional hobiest work on sheet metal would be ok, but not for production cutting of 3/4 inch plate?
    The rule of thumb on CNC work is: 20 amps for every 1/8 inch of pierce on the metal, wanna punch through 1/2 inch, then you should have 80 amps. Cutting thicker is not the problem once you have a hole started.
    Some of those lies people tell about me, are true

  15. Default

    If your machine doesn't have enough amps to start a hole, you have to predrill or edge start.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by geezer View Post
    The rule of thumb on CNC work is: 20 amps for every 1/8 inch of pierce on the metal, wanna punch through 1/2 inch, then you should have 80 amps. Cutting thicker is not the problem once you have a hole started.
    Typically we consider 1/2 of the machines rated Quality Cut for a dedicated plasma. The 60C because of its start type pierces rapidly. The communication from Torchmate when they tested our unit was they were very please, if not surprised by the pierce speed of the 60C. The 60C has a 7/16" rating for CNC, but 1/2 shouldn't be much more of a hurdle.

    But the performance of the 256 plasma is not as strong as the 60...There are reasons for that, including shared duties of the unit. While its rated for 60 amps, amps are not all there is to cutting. It'll do a competent job on cutting most materials you'd come across every day, but it is NOT a production machine. That, we have made clear repeatedly. Its for portable repair, and for basic maintenance. It works fine, and the TIG is the strong point of the unit...and the plasma is in the support role, with many fine assists to win the game...but its not a game carrying player.
    Last edited by performance; 12-16-2011 at 01:48 AM.

  17. #17


    Mark, Thanks for the explanation / education. Now your reservations for PP256 plasma CNC use makes a lot more sense.
    Everlast PP256
    Smith Oxy/Acetylene torch
    Atlas 10-F QC54 Lathe
    Seig X2 Mill modified for CNC

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    Typically we consider 1/2 of the machines rated Quality Cut for a dedicated plasma. The 60C because of its start type pierces rapidly. The communication from Torchmate when they tested our unit was they were very please, if not surprised by the pierce speed of the 60C. The 60C has a 7/16" rating for CNC, but 1/2 shouldn't be much more of a hurdle.

    But the performance of the 256 plasma is not as strong as the 60...There are reasons for that, including shared duties of the unit. While its rated for 60 amps, amps are not all there is to cutting. It'll do a competent job on cutting most materials you'd come across every day, but it is NOT a production machine. That, we have made clear repeatedly. Its for portable repair, and for basic maintenance. It works fine, and the TIG is the strong point of the unit...and the plasma is in the support role, with many fine assists to win the game...but its not a game carrying player.
    I have to agree with you , the 60C is a very good choice for most people, given the second rule of thumb for plasma: that is that the machine MAX output is generally 10 amps more than the breaker,,,so a 50 amp breaker which is what most people are wired for works out nicely for the 60C. In my case ,,my wireing is heavier than code and using a 60 amp breaker to pull 70 amps out of my PP80 is not a problem, if I wanted the full 80 amps I would probably hardwire into the 3 phase,,,I like the idea of having a machine that can pull the amps with ease,and have some reserve left over,that's why I chose the PP80.
    Last edited by geezer; 12-16-2011 at 02:56 AM.
    Some of those lies people tell about me, are true

  19. #19


    Here in the US, the 80's are 1 phase only.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Lake Stevens, WA


    Do you have any guidance for connecting the PP256 to a CNC controller for light-duty plasma cutting?
    Last edited by qubit; 12-22-2011 at 04:38 AM.

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