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Thread: CNC Plug on the PP60 Machine

  1. Default CNC Plug on the PP60 Machine

    I have purchased a PP 60 machine, not the C my bad and I am trying to wire up the plug. I have seen the info posted here about pins 1-2 being for start and pins 9-10 as a normally open relay that should provide feedback the torch is ready. Has anyone had luck wiring that plug? I don't get anything on pins 9-10. Can someone that has successfully wired up one of these help?

    I know the issues with the HF but until I convince Everlast to let me trade up on my machine I have to live with it.

  2. Default

    Well, I can say that on the 60c, shorting pins 1-2 make it rock and roll, but I've never tried connecting to any of the other pins.
    The docs are a bit sparse on what type of signal to expect on the "ok to move" output.

    So you're saying the two pins stay open at all times, even after the arc has transfered?
    Are you certain you're using the correct pins? Those little numbers aren't instantly clear which pin they apply to.

  3. #3


    The box manual didn't have the pinout? Attachment 4068

  4. Default

    Thanks for the input Parkour. Are you using your machine with a CNC set-up? If so what controller are you using? Shorting pins 1-2 does turn on the arc, maybe I should just keep it at that. I checked my pins and I am looking at pins 9-10 for some kind of signal. I have looked at resistance and voltages. Nada.

    Mark that schematic was with the machine but it wasn't much help to be honest.

  5. #5


    Maybe Ray can get in touch with one of the factory guys to find out if something was deleted on those pins.

  6. Default

    Shorting pins 1-2 is as far as I have gotten.
    That schematic depicts the connector and a board. That board is inside the machine on the upper deck right by the connector.
    You could pop the lid off and just look to see if it is all really all there or not; that should tell the story.
    The 60c board has a relay, and at least one row of resistors, couple of connectors, and some other stuff.
    The sales page says it has the CNC port and is capable, so if it's not working, that may be an issue for tech support or warranty.

  7. Default

    Thanks Parkour, can you do me a favor a post a photo of your board? I will try to take the clothes of mine and post a pix as well. I just want to get past the electrical and get back to cuttin and building things.

    Mark that would be great if you could get us more info on the board.

  8. Default

    Sure, I will post up some pics as soon as I can.

    It's easy to take the cover off;
    Pull the four screws on the rear bezel, pull the three screws off of the bottom of the bezel.
    Slide the rear bezel away from the machine, holding onto the handle/tube on the top of the machine.
    Remove the screws from the sides of the green cover, then slide it rearward about 3/4" or so to clear the front bezel.
    Pull the bottom edges outward slightly so the louvers clear the machine internals, then lift the cover straight up and off.
    Don't touch anything inside unless you really need to.

  9. Default

    Any update on this?

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