Hi Guys..
New here but not new to welding.
I just picked up a 225LX and can't seem to get it to AC/DC tig. Stick function welds fine. Running 100% Argon, Red tungsten (works on my other DC tig) and can't seem to get the arc to narrow or generate any real focused heat other then a large wide 'spark'n flame. Can't even get it to make a puddle :/ Rockers are all selected for tig, A/C when attempting Alum. D/C for steel, and generally settings for what my needs are.. A/C freq. and pulse/controls were left off for the alum.tests. I was testing on 1/8 alum. and flat steel and couldn't get 'either' hot enough to create a puddle. Lots of noise, looked like plenty of arc although too wide, but no welding..