Okay, finally got running today thanks to Airgas. They were great! Been playing around with the settings and pulse settings. Does not seem as technical as every one makes it sound. Took some getting used to the volts dial. The arc force dial is different too. But after I was going strong with all that I turned the pulse on. It seemed the volts dial and freq dial performed best set higher than the non pulse related dials. It also performed nicely on out of position welds. Sticks the weld right up in there or sprays it and sticks it where you want it. Not much prettier than the non pulse weld. I was expecting dimes. But after using flux core for the last few years, it's nice!
I did notice while using the pulse time on dial there was some popping that seemed to slow or increase at time depending on the setting? Normal or ????
Otherwise at times when I thought things were set right heard a nice humming, seen the glob stage etc...like you said "a glue gun".
You have about the same chances winning the lottery without buying a ticket as succeeding in life without taking chances.
Everlast power plasma 50
Everlast I-Mig 205p
Lincoln weld pak 100
Lincoln ac/dc 225/125 arc welder