If you have and IMIG 205 you will notice that the max wire speed on the readout is somewhere between
Say 304 to 307 depending on your voltage input at the welding plug.

This reading of 304/307 will run wire at over 410 IPM, plenty fast for the wire used.

No matter, what we are interested in is: what are the amps put out by the welder at the reading on the dial.

For 0.035 wire the reading is approx. 65 higher than the amp output. That is to say a reading of 165 on the dial = 100 amps and visa versa.

For 0.030 wire the reading is approx. 95 higher than the output. That is to say if you want 100 amps, dial in 195 on the dial and visa versa.

65 and 95,,,,,,,,,good numbers to remember.

The rule of thumb for welding is 1 amp for every .001 of metal thickness, not exact but a good starting point; so for example: welding 1/8 material (0.125) using 0.035 wire needs 125 amps + 65 = 190 on the dial readout and so forth.

Tweaking and final adjustment are subject to material type and conditions etc. are always needed but at least you have a starting point to work from.

Voltage settings are a little harder to remember:

I start at 1/16 and increase voltage, one volt for every 1/16 in metal thickness, for example:
1/16 = 18 v, 1/8 = 19 v, 3/16 = 20v, 1/4 = 21v etc.

Ballpark numbers to be sure, but we all have to start somewhere.

If you are an IMIG 205 owner and you find this helpful, some feedback would be nice.
I own 2 of them and they are a great machine in my view. I find myself using them more and more each day for both Stick and Mig.