Well, my wife has griped enough that it's time to get my Dumbbells off the floor.
I found a few designs I like and here are some pics of them...
I just need a simple rack to get them off the floor and make my wife happy...If that's possible!! lol
I'm going to make it out of some 2" x 2" square tubing left over from my welding table (project#1). First thing is to guess at the angle I need for the riser tube. I want to keep the weight as close to the center line as possible and just a little towards the back incase it does tip, it will hit the wall. I bought some 1.5" x 1.5" angle iron for the side "rack" pieces. I bought 2" x 2" angle for the 48" long front and back "rack" pieces. I welded the sides of the rack onto the square tubing. The front and back pieces will be bolted on to make it easy to transport and move. The front and back pieces are getting spray painted with Rustoleum Bed Liner spray from Autozone. It has a nice texture and is durable so the weights won't tear it up too bad. The tubing is just getting painted with some left over paint I had, Metallic Gray. I ordered plastic end caps that go into the tubing just to dress it off. The side pieces of the rack have a felt padding on them to make sure there is no noise when it's all bolted together and just helps keep the paint and bed liner nice. On the back pieces on both levels, I ended up having to weld some flat stock to the angle. The smaller weights were barely resting on the angle so I made a minor adjustment.
I am taking it home tonight to put together so I will post more pics of it finished later on.