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Thread: Bit confused on the chinese connection....

  1. #1

    Default Bit confused on the chinese connection....

    I thought I would ask some silly questions - and hopefully it has simple answers... . Given we essentially are investing in Everlast and it's products (and brand), it would be good to know this.

    What I do know:

    • Everlast welders are manufactured in China
    • Everlast welders are sold, distributed and supported via a US company

    but what I do not know is:

    • How did the company originate? Was it because there was a need for a lower end welder with good features? Was it a scratch start or was it importing cheap welders?
    • Who does the electrical and mechanical designs for the welders? Is it done in China outsourced, or in the US?
    • Is it just the construction of the welder's are outsourced to China, or is it a Chinese product marketed to the US?
    • Is the company building the Everlast welders also building welders for other companies?
    • Are Everlast welders sold in China?
    • Who owns the design and IPR rights?
    • What happens if Everlast shuts down? Is there a factory in China that would step up, or a mother company?

    Sorry if the questions may seem anti-Everlast, but they are not. They are tough questions, but I believe in the product enough to pre-pay for a welder I have not even seen yet.



  2. #2


    The current Everlast evolved out of a company started around 2004. The product line emerged from several products the owner, Oleg was selling and when welders took over the majority of sales. Everlast has traditionally been E based, but we are pursuing and finding more traditional retail outlets throughout the U.S.
    We do some design here, and some in China...depends and some of the designs are outsourced to European designers from the Chinese. Mostly we give the design ideas, specifications, parameters etc, and they give us a trial, and error process, we give them feed back, they make the changes, and eventually it will get to market. Then there are times they come up with product, we take it, analyze it, break it (or try to), analyze it more, and tell them what and where we need improvement.
    We use several factories. All of them manufacture for companies, name brand or not throughout the world, but typically for Everlast only in the US.
    Everlast is not sold in China, but it is sold in several countries now...7 or 8 or more I think.
    Everlast owns its own trademark and licenses its distributors throughout the world to sell.
    What happens if any other company shuts down? Everlast sales since 2004 have been increasing exponentially, even through the tough economy. Companies like Miller have faced huge layoffs. I myself was hired when the economy started to tank. Not something companies do that are bound for the trash heap this economy is making out of most of them. Everlast is U.S. based. PERIOD. Not any chinese interest. If anything we support the factories. The parental support for the welders is given solely by the US company and its licensed distributors world wide...Including, Canada, Austrailia, Brazil, Denmark, Costa Rica and other countries.
    Last edited by performance; 12-13-2011 at 07:35 AM.

  3. Default

    Mark has given a basic outline in his reply . However there is a lot more indepth working at the factory location than has been mentioned in his basic outline of Everlast.
    We have a hands on aproach and believe in working in the plant to not only evaluate initial projects but to also ensure we keep improving our product line in both performance and quality.
    In fact this past year we have been at the Factory on average about every 8- 9 weeks . These visits are normally no less than 2 weeks at a time but more often 3 week time frames .
    In fact i am due to fly back to Canada this coming Sunday and will likely be back at the factory sometime early February ( January 23rd is the start of the new year Spring festival and you do not want to be here then ).
    So while it is true we are internet based in sales we certainloy are anything but that when it comes to taking care of business where it counts the most.

    905 637 1637

  4. #4


    Duncan happens to be posting from "on location" now.

  5. #5


    Great, thanks for the info!

    Some of the benefits of Everlast is this type of communication - it's good for everyone (customers and the business) to be able to be this close to the "action", it gives a good sense of openness and communication. I especially like the idea of this open forum attached to the products, that sense of community really bolsters your brand.

    Given I have been to China and HK several times (and through several parts of Asia), and my wife originally was raised in HK, I disagree that you should not be in China during Chinese New Year - that is the best time to be there! :-)



  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Mike J View Post
    I thought I would ask some silly questions - and hopefully it has simple answers... . Given we essentially are investing in Everlast and it's products (and brand), it would be good to know this.

    What I do know:

    • Everlast welders are manufactured in China
    • Everlast welders are sold, distributed and supported via a US company

    but what I do not know is:

    • How did the company originate? Was it because there was a need for a lower end welder with good features? Was it a scratch start or was it importing cheap welders?
    • Who does the electrical and mechanical designs for the welders? Is it done in China outsourced, or in the US?
    • Is it just the construction of the welder's are outsourced to China, or is it a Chinese product marketed to the US?
    • Is the company building the Everlast welders also building welders for other companies?
    • Are Everlast welders sold in China?
    • Who owns the design and IPR rights?
    • What happens if Everlast shuts down? Is there a factory in China that would step up, or a mother company?

    Sorry if the questions may seem anti-Everlast, but they are not. They are tough questions, but I believe in the product enough to pre-pay for a welder I have not even seen yet.


    Companies who have a hard time making it usually shut down before 4 years on average. Everlast has been around for almost 7 years.

    Miller, from what I have heard, almost went out of business a few years ago before being bought by Illinois Tool Works. Lincoln has been doing fairly well but have had some layoffs during this depression.

    The owner of Everlast, from what I have heard, has had an interesting life. He is living the American dream.

    Don't worry about getting an Everlast. I've had mine for a while and I love it. Even if it breaks, the parts are off the shelf types and can be repaired by any competent technician.
    Powertig 250EX
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