The joint won't rust/corrode any more
than your 1/4 plate. Use 309 wire.
The joint won't rust/corrode any more
than your 1/4 plate. Use 309 wire.
Brian Scott
Speedglass 9002v helmet
19" Shop Fox band saw
Ingersoll Rand air compressor
PowerTig 250EX
Power I-MIG 200
Power Plasma 50
It's what you learn, After you know it all, that counts!
Recieved my Onlinemetals order yesterday and figured out that 1 1/2" Stainless round bar is Heavy!! I might need to use 1 1/2" Stainless tube for my application.
PowerTig 250EX
Power I-MIG 200
Power Plasma 50
It's what you learn, After you know it all, that counts!
Too heavy!?!? Remember you're doing this so you can be a weightlifter!!
Kidding, of course. But here's one for the group: other posts have talked about the need to purge the inside of an SS tube weld. At what point does that become necessary? Is it only on very thin material where the opposite side of the weld glows red, or might CGCInc encounter that need even on heavier material?
Oxweld oxy acet gear
IMIG 200
PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!
Good question! If I do use tubing it will be 1/4" wall
I looked up the weight of round bar... around 6lbs. per foot.
I will be using a 20" piece for the "curl" bar, a 2" x 6" piece of pipe with brass bushings in it that will slip over the 1 1/2" bar and some 1" tubing that will be welded to the 2" pipe for hand grips..... By the time it's all together, I'll be starting out lifting 50lbs.!!!Actually it will be around 14lbs.
PowerTig 250EX
Power I-MIG 200
Power Plasma 50
It's what you learn, After you know it all, that counts!
you dont have to back purge, but it is always recommended.. and thats only when your doing a butt weld to join the pipe. if your say putting a plate on the end and you do a fillet around the pipe, then you dont need any purging.
Journeyman welder
Power plasma 60
horizontal band saw
Miller digital elite 'wicked' lid
Although I don't have much experience welding stainless to mild steel, I have read many times that it's preferred to "butter" the mild steel with the 309 before making the actual weld. I believe this is to lower the amount of dilution of the filler metal with the mild steel.
Maybe someone with more experience in this area can chime.
Everlast lx225
Hobart Handler 210 with spool gun
Hobart Stickmate LX
Thermal Arc 400GMS
40 amp Northern Tools plasma torch
130 chicago electric tig welder
90 amp chicago electric flux mig
10"-22" Grizzly lathe
15"-5.5" Grizzly vertical end mill
In need of nice TIG machine. drooling over PowerTig 250ex
Well, I'm thinking I need 11ga. or thicker wall because this 18"-20" piece will be what I pull on to lift the weight and with it being that long, I don't want it to flex or bend. ( Any help is appreciated because I just don't know) I would say the most I will be lifting is 150lbs.
Here is a diag. of what I'm doing. The 2" square tubing will be drilled all the way through so I can insert the 1.5" Stainless and weld on both sides of the square tubing.
The center section(not gray) is a piece of 2" x 4" Rectangle tubing with a piece of 2" pipe on top. Another piece of the 1.5" Stainless will be running through the pipe and connecting both pieces of 2" Square tubing.
Last edited by CGCINC; 12-26-2011 at 11:24 PM.
PowerTig 250EX
Power I-MIG 200
Power Plasma 50
It's what you learn, After you know it all, that counts!