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Thread: NC new guy

  1. #1

    Default NC new guy

    IM new to the forum and looking at trying tig welding.

    I grew up in rural NC on a farm and learned to stick weld and use a torch very young. I have been using migs for years for everything from exhaust work to roll cages on cars.

    I am looking to do nicer cages(chrome moly) and some aluminum fab work instead of having my "Buddy" do it i figure its time to do it myself.

    Have a PP205 multi process unit on order. I have been looking around here for a few weeks trying to make a decision.

    Hopefullly it turns out well and i have a chance to share some work.

    New guy with a PP 205 on the way.
    Lincoln Mig
    other redneck fab tools-BFH

  2. #2


    Welcome Jereiah!

    I am similar to you, new to TIG, but not to stick and torch. I am waiting for my machine to come in January (250EX)...

    Did you take any training or you are going to self learn?



  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Mike J View Post
    Welcome Jereiah!

    I am similar to you, new to TIG, but not to stick and torch. I am waiting for my machine to come in January (250EX)...

    Did you take any training or you are going to self learn?


    Thanks Mike,

    No I figured it out myself on all the other stuff I know, so I dont plan on doing any training. I have a few buddies that do it so i will pick up tips when i get to a hard spot.

    I did get a chance to go by the big blue display at PRI and i dorked around with a 180 welder on some aluminum and stainless. I did ok with it.

    Close friend of my mine does Moly cages for some of the finest drag cars around and he has offered a lot of help. I am just one of those guys that likes to do it myself so i can say "i did that" . I am going to lean on him though so my stuff is safe and passes tech.
    New guy with a PP 205 on the way.
    Lincoln Mig
    other redneck fab tools-BFH

  4. #4


    Generally if you've used O/A for any time in the past, you will pick up the TIG pretty fast. If nothing else, sounds like you have a ringer. He will get you on the fast track I'm sure.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

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