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Thread: dinse water flow thru coupler

  1. #1

    Default dinse water flow thru coupler

    ive been looking for a dinse water flow thru coupler for my new 200lx welder so i can hook up my 25 ft water cooled torch system to the 200 lx so i can take it on the water and build tuna towers using a flex head wp 20 torch which is very vesrstiale while climbing up the tuna tower and welding for hours and by the way the welder does weld pretty goodClick image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG00533.jpg 
Views:	323 
Size:	10.6 KB 
ID:	76

  2. #2

  3. #3


    Brit has talked directly with all of us. I think he is getting taken care of. We don't usually sell couplers for our units to fit other machines torches...And the torches we sell come with coupler attached so we don't usually offer them separately. But unless Brit says differently, I think we solved his problem, the last I heard.

  4. #4


    Did you find way to hook a wp 20 up to dinse connector?

  5. Default wp20 hook-up

    Doug until the torches are availible here, i described a hook up i made on the cheap. Look in the tig section under the 9 series aircooled thread by Titan. Ive got text and a couple of pics. There ARE adapaptors availible that hook right up to the everlast with a water return line just like the supplied torch with the 250ex anyway, from miller and others, but they run about $60.00. I just improvised around that to save a few bucks and just used the flow tru block. check out that thread for more info.

  6. #6


    This is a pretty old thread and I have not talked to Britstef in some time. But I like his aluminum cart and cooler.

    I talked to a couple guy that have done conversion over a long period of time, and most mentioned as Wayne did,
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

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