Well I have been looking for a tig welder for a little while and was searching craigslist for weeks for a used one. Everyone i found was about 5 to 6 hrs away and that was just one way . Then the other problem I encountered was that people wanted just under 300.00 bucks for thier 8 yr old welder then what they orginally paid for the machine . Another problem that the old tranformer machines weighed a ton and would use up valueable floor space in my garage. I had been given a mig welder , it was a lincoln sp-250 when i bought my dads welding business. It was computer operated , and dad being old school never used it . Well when i began using it it worked good for a while then I started having problems with it . Comes to find out that lincoln had issues with mother boards and capastitor banks which they knew about . Well after asking for thier help the only option they gave me was to buy one of thier new boards for and easy 900.00 , Ya like i have that kinda money to fix thier equipment . Well any how I sent the board off for repairs to another company that took 2 tries to get it right . That was 250.00 get to get the machine running again . Now are you really scared to try a chineese machine? Tell me what kinda gamble are you going to take ? With what Lincoln offered me for help to soak me for 900.00 I felt i dint have much too loose . With Everlast offering a 30 day money back and 5 yr wareentee I thought I would take a chance and try one of their welders. I got a machine that weighs 50 lbs, is small and very portable , runs on a 50 amp breaker, has a 35% duty cycle , just about infinte amount of adjustments, has high fequency, comes with foot control , ( not an extra 150.00) . and a on off on the torch . I got all that shipped to my door for 1000.00 bucks. It great cause when I am done with it , i can lift it without a crane and put it away on one of my shelfs . You also gotta know something as well . If you buy a used machine some companies have a (do not touch list ) for repairs on PC boards for certain machines . So you very well could be stuck with either 900.00 repair for a 1300.00 machine or boat anchor .
I am however very pleased with my purchace of my Everlast 200 DX Tig , I have been welding for about 22 yrs and used many many machines . I am mostly a mig welder guy , but currently employed as an industrial mechanic in a food processing plant and I fequently tig weld stainless . But I bought the 200 DX for a home project for weldingup a extra hoop on my paramotor frame and cage . The 200 DX welded up my aluminum 5/8 's.065 tubing without so much as a cough or sneeze . I was also using for the first time the switch on the torch all the way up to 95 amps and not even once tripped the breaker. Thats a nice option when tacking things up in place and outta postion . Believe me if this welder was going to be a Harbor Freight hybrid and didnt work I would be posting a different story , but it works good for me and my needs. This tig welder exceeds my abillities as welder rather than the other way around . The machine only goes downs to 20 amps on AC which I was worried about before it had arrived . I thought 20 amps would blow holes in my thin wall aluminum tubing since i had a bad experince with a old tombstone tig that went down only to 30 amps one time. Not so . It worked great on my tubing. With the down slope feature you can dial in the duration of the heat, or shut off of the arc. .I still have lots to learn on this machine since I only set it for what worked best for me and went to fabrication my fame . Set it and forget it , lol . I dont need to weld cans together but on DC with 5 amps I could do razor blades just for braggin rights . lol![]()