When I firs got into welding I made an 8' steel work bench about 400 pounds the problem was that I moved twice in two years after building it. guess what didn't make the second move. I wanted to stay a little more portable so I knowingly traded a little stoutness for the ability to take it with me when life changes. This house came with a built in wooden work bench so I had a place to bolt down the vise. we shall see if this was a good decision.
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I won't bore you with a lot of pictures they come with the assembly instructions. Here is the finished product with the center "connector plate" installed of course the assembly of the second table went faster than the first. over all I was able to get the table pretty level. good enough for hobby projects but there are some alignment issues for instance one table was about 1/4" inch taller than the other. The connector plate does not have any accommodation for adjustment "ie.elongated holes". so one edge is about 1/8" high on one corner. I wasn't expecting perfect. It will be great for the little amount of welding I do.