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Thread: PP 205 Setup and getting started.

  1. #1

    Default PP 205 Setup and getting started.

    Machine showed up tuesday evening and i been digging around here for a few weeks making sure i got all the other pieces in place to use it as soon as it arrived.
    Got a tracking number shortly after placing my order and had no issues with UPS on this welder as well.
    Guy at lowes gave me incorrect breaker for the panel box and i thought the welder was DOA.
    Quick phone call in and Ray walked me through the screw up and i got it up and going. I dont have much of an issue with steel but i still got a long way to go until my stuff is decent.
    Anyway had a little trouble with the plasma(or so i thought) and again i had no problem getting in touch with customer support and after a process of elemination I found out that i was most likely not moving the tip fast enough. After i figured it out it was nice to use. Overall I am extremely pleased with the unit.

    Here are a few pics of my setup and some of my progress. I know its not pretty but i think i have done well for just 1 day of practice and getting the settings nailed down.

    1 Thing i did note, Was start/end amps, up slope and down slope work with the foot pedal plugged in and it kind of threw me for a loop as i only expected these to work on the 4t switch mode for the torch! But now that i know its works fine.
    Tig welder seems to have plenty of power as well as the plasma. All features seem to work. Pedal,trigger, up slope,down slope, start/end amps, pulser works as well. Very nice machine for the money.
    I will try and post some of my projects as i will be doing a lot of cars this year and a few turbo ones that require some aluminum fab work.
    As soon as i get this down pat i will work on some chrome moly as i intend to do cages with this thing.

    Any reccomendations on a nicer torch for the cages? Mostly smaller i guess.

    New guy with a PP 205 on the way.
    Lincoln Mig
    other redneck fab tools-BFH

  2. #2


    Glad you are happy and getting going.

    On the torch, call into our sales office for a smaller torch. WP-9 or WP-20 are nice for what you want. Ask for Oleg and he will get you setup.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  3. Default

    Does you foot pedal have any adjustment knobs for amperage on the foot pedal?

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Buggy Chief View Post
    Does you foot pedal have any adjustment knobs for amperage on the foot pedal?
    No it does not.
    New guy with a PP 205 on the way.
    Lincoln Mig
    other redneck fab tools-BFH

  5. Default

    Thanks. I just bought the PP205 and can't figure out the foot pedal in regards to...does it control to the max amps that you have set on the machine or max amps the machine is capable of (205)?

    Mike in tech support seemed to think that it should have a control knob on it. New to welding and just trying to find my way.

    Thanks again and congrats on your machine.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Buggy Chief View Post
    Thanks. I just bought the PP205 and can't figure out the foot pedal in regards to...does it control to the max amps that you have set on the machine or max amps the machine is capable of (205)?

    Mike in tech support seemed to think that it should have a control knob on it. New to welding and just trying to find my way.

    Thanks again and congrats on your machine.
    On mine you have to set start amps and end amps for starting and ending (when you first touch the pedal or let completely off). This means you have to set up/down slope times as well. (you can slam the pedal down and you will still get only the start amp setting until up slope time cycle is complete, same for down slope when you let off the pedal)
    The pedal only controls max amps set on the machine(when not in up/down slope time frame)

    Just play with it and you will figure it out.

    I can set mine to 100 amps and go wide open and it will make a nice puddle. I can set it to 200 and go wide open and it will make a big hole

    If you see your start puddle looking deep or crater like turn down the start amps.

    If you are having a diffucult time getting bead to form on start up increase start amps.

    Or if you have to just match start/end amps to setting you want on the machine and it will be transparent.

    BTW-The settings i have on the machine in the picture should work decent or get you started well on most aluminum.

    Last edited by qcksnake; 12-30-2011 at 02:43 AM.
    New guy with a PP 205 on the way.
    Lincoln Mig
    other redneck fab tools-BFH

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