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Thread: project 1 from bob wills, Dec 3 contest, fixing a log slitter wedge.

  1. Default project 1 from bob wills, Dec 3 contest, fixing a log slitter wedge.

    So my uncle and cousin built a log splitter wedge that splits a log into 4 parts. Well first time it touched a log it busted in half. I fixed it by welding the two sides back together on the inside this time not just on outside and rewelding the back part on with another piece back there. He went back tried it again and this time one side wedge came off so I welded it back on putting 3 passes on it so it wouldnt break for sure. Works great now. Hasnt broke yet and welds were strong enough to allow the sides to bend but didnt break. Came to the conclusion that my uncle must be loosing hit touch with welding. Wish could of had before pictures because my uncles welds were a sight for sore eyes.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	064.jpg 
Views:	410 
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ID:	4402Click image for larger version. 

Name:	066.jpg 
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ID:	4403
    everlast power arc 200
    Lincoln electric 225 tombstone
    lawn mowers

  2. #2


    As a part time occupation, I work for another company marketing wood splitters and wood processors.
    The problem the wedge has is that the horizontal plane splitter needs to float up and down to reduce stress. Trust me on this. Unless there is NO support under the log itself on either side, it will eventually shear the splitting plane.

  3. Default

    So your saying that the log will bind up under the wedge and push it up?
    everlast power arc 200
    Lincoln electric 225 tombstone
    lawn mowers

  4. #4


    Yes. Essentially, that is the problem.

  5. Default

    That was the problem with the way they made it before. It snapped it right off. This way is better for not doing it because the blade is curved also the back of the blade is higher. This will hopefully give it more room for movement.
    everlast power arc 200
    Lincoln electric 225 tombstone
    lawn mowers

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