A friend of the family asked the other day if I would be interested in building a simple cart for an old 1962 Frigidaire Flair oven/stove they have in their basement. Sure, I say! I like to make Stuff!!

The main posts are made out of 2" square tubing and the upper front and sides are made out of 1 1/2" square tubing. The bottom is 1 1/4" Angle and there will be a knotty pine wood shelf resting on the angle and wrapping around and down the front of the stand by 1 1/2". The castors are 3" non marking so they don't mark up the painted floor they have in their basement. I will be painting it a satin black and the wood shelf and wood handle/towel rack will be stained by them to match their cabinets.

First is the brackets for the handle. I drilled the holes then pulse welded them together to cut the angle.

I also welded a piece of 1/8" flat on one side of one of the brackets to act as a stop for the wood dowel.

The hole is just for a screw to hold the dowel in place.