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Thread: Can anyone explain the PP205 Foot Pedal

  1. Default Can anyone explain the PP205 Foot Pedal

    The foot pedal that came with the PP 205 doesn't have an amperage control on it. Not sure if the foot pedal controls total amperage range of machine or just up to the amps that have been set on the amperage control?

    In addition Does the pulse control work with the foot pedal as well as pre flow and post flow?

    Any advice is welcome

  2. #2


    Do you have an issue or are you asking? If you do have an issue, please call us or detail your problem here.

  3. Default

    I am brand new to welding and decided to purchase your PP 205 as my first machine. I am simply asking how the foot pedal functions. I sent an email already and didn't get a satisfactory answer nor is the manual satisfactory to explain.

    Here is the email I sent to tech support and the response was that he thought i should've gotten a pedal with an amp setting knob. He then got back to me to tell me that he was incorrect in his assumption.

    "I just bought the pp205 and am brand new to welding. Does the foot pedal when pushed down (maximum) achieve the amps selected on the unit. For example if I select 125 amps in AC, when I fully press the foot pedal, does this achieve 125 amps or the full 205 amps capable of welder?"

    Can you please explain what the foot pedal controls and activates/deactivates other functions (pre flow / post flow / pulse, etc.)

  4. #4


    I am personally not sure how the factory has equipped the 205. It has been upgraded from the original unit. Since then I have not had one to operate to update the manual. It should adjust on the panel if its like the 256, but then it could have the full range if it was fixed similar to the 200 i tig. I do know that the unit should have a regular pedal with it without the control knob.

    If it does work like the 256, or if its like the I tig 200 then you should have it in 2T to operate the pedal. Then you should turn down start amps, end amps, and up/down slope to a minimum. Pulse will work with the foot pedal if you wish. Pre flow and post flow can be set where you desire.

  5. Default

    thank you sir.

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