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Thread: PowerTig 200LX Aluminum noob pics

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    North of Dallas Tx

    Default PowerTig 200LX Aluminum noob pics

    Ok here is my noobie Tig skills...don't laugh too hard

    Using this

    Practices...notice this is all the practicing I have done...maybe 15 passes.

    Ok I cut the flanges off this intercooler and then rewelded them at different angles to fit my new 2JZGTE project.


    And after

    Gnothi Seauton 515 rwhp/527 Lbs.@21psi....nuff said.
    2JZ-HX40 Turbo swap Conquest. SDS-6E ECU, turbo pistons & HG, ACL race bearings, Arps, Custom FFIM for 1000cc injectors ..E-85 daily driven.

    2009 FZ1N Retro
    PowerTig 200LX to make things possible.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    North of Dallas Tx


    I forgot to mention that I had gaps all over the place up to 1/2" because I didn't want to take time and grind them down to match better.

    I also was welding over the MIG welds...that may be another reason why I found it so hard to do. It took me two hours and 5 5356 3/32 filler rods. 1/16 thoriated, 70-90 amps (I kept changing manually no foot pedal involved), Freq. at 3/4 to full 200 on the knob, A/C balance was usually set all the way left or 30 on the knob (sometimes I moved it up to about 40, anything at halfway or up would just ball the tungsten and melt it). The 4043 would just blob on there and I would go back over the welds with higher amps(120), more like 40 on A/C balance, and lower frequency to smooth/blend the material to fill the gas and blobs. I know it doesn't look neat but I can grind/sand it down and you would never know. Hey it will do the job for me.
    Last edited by Mad-Dax; 10-02-2009 at 05:11 PM.
    Gnothi Seauton 515 rwhp/527 Lbs.@21psi....nuff said.
    2JZ-HX40 Turbo swap Conquest. SDS-6E ECU, turbo pistons & HG, ACL race bearings, Arps, Custom FFIM for 1000cc injectors ..E-85 daily driven.

    2009 FZ1N Retro
    PowerTig 200LX to make things possible.

  3. #3

    Default pratice

    you had the settings right and looks like u need to heat up the alum first a lil more give it more heat so that it would absorb the filler rod better and its hard to go over mig welds

  4. #4


    Cleaning the welds before you start is as important as the weld technique itself.

    If you want to make that weld look better, Turn up the heat a little on the welder, and go over the top of the weld without the filler wire. This Hot pass will smooth things out.

  5. #5


    Looks like my first welds too! You're brave to attempt welding on a critical part right off the bat. You'll know how good your welds really are once you boost it! Your ride sounds sick. How much boost and HP?
    I have the same welding cart and a similar welding helmet from HF. I think my welding cart is a little top heavy. Other than that they work fine.
    POWERMASTER 205 AC/DC Pulse TIG, Plasma and Stick

  6. #6


    It is a good idea to put a cheap ratchet strap or some kind of tie down on top of those welders, especially on those cheaper carts. Hopefully, we will have some sort of new cart available soon.

  7. #7



    Yea, I would strap it down as Mark said, and I would move it around via the actual welder. Very slowly. The front casters are small and it is top heavy. You can not roll over a hose or cable like I can with mine

    On the aluminum, like all else, practice, lots of it. Hook it up and see if it leaks. Pretty comes later. Aluminum is not as easy as steel, but I think you did pretty good if you started there.


    Did you post your cart here in the project forum or just on welding weld? You are the fellow doing the tuna towers with the aluminum cart right?
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  8. #8


    Not a bad start. Keep trying you will only get better! I remember some of my first welds, a toss up between a bunch of grapes and pigeon crap! Do tell us about the project.

  9. #9


    Funny Wayne,

    I still have my youngest sons first weld. I called it chicken poop then. It was not aluminum, and the penetration was good and it will not break. Just looks like it needs a good flap wheel for a few minutes. I use it to keep parts together while I tack on that table. I also test our products on it.

    Far as Dax, I think on his project welds it's not bad if it does not leak.

    Dax, keep us posted on the project.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    North of Dallas Tx


    Quote Originally Posted by everlastsupport View Post

    Yea, I would strap it down as Mark said, and I would move it around via the actual welder. Very slowly. The front casters are small and it is top heavy. You can not roll over a hose or cable like I can with mine

    On the aluminum, like all else, practice, lots of it. Hook it up and see if it leaks. Pretty comes later. Aluminum is not as easy as steel, but I think you did pretty good if you started there.


    Did you post your cart here in the project forum or just on welding weld? You are the fellow doing the tuna towers with the aluminum cart right?
    I put my hand over one end and then blew/sealed the other end with my mouth as hard as I could and I heard no leaks.

    LOL I don't move the cart..the room it is in is 10x10 and if you can see it is cramped. I sit in front of the welder to the left on a bucket and use my little cheapo aluminum tablesaw as my welding table...LOL

    Nope not the same guy as the Tuna tower...I saw his setup and that is why I bought the same cart....$40.
    Gnothi Seauton 515 rwhp/527 Lbs.@21psi....nuff said.
    2JZ-HX40 Turbo swap Conquest. SDS-6E ECU, turbo pistons & HG, ACL race bearings, Arps, Custom FFIM for 1000cc injectors ..E-85 daily driven.

    2009 FZ1N Retro
    PowerTig 200LX to make things possible.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    North of Dallas Tx


    Last night I decided to fix a problem. I made a cut about an inch too much on my intake plenum base. So I decided to add it back on. This is 3/8" T6061. I used a 3/32 Thoriated, 160 amps, full 200 frequncy, A/C balance was about the 10-11 o'clock position, 5356 1/8 filler. I cleaned it pretty well. This took me a whole 5 minutes. Two passes. One on each side. I made a V groove on one side the other side was flush. I welded the flush first then turned it over and used lots of rod to fill the gap. I find it hard on the ends because it is melting pretty good so when I come to the end it kinda melts through and so I stop short and then came back at it with some spots on the ends.

    Last edited by Mad-Dax; 10-05-2009 at 03:55 PM.
    Gnothi Seauton 515 rwhp/527 Lbs.@21psi....nuff said.
    2JZ-HX40 Turbo swap Conquest. SDS-6E ECU, turbo pistons & HG, ACL race bearings, Arps, Custom FFIM for 1000cc injectors ..E-85 daily driven.

    2009 FZ1N Retro
    PowerTig 200LX to make things possible.

  12. #12


    Nice Dax,

    Now you are getting there.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  13. #13


    yes thats me the one who does tuna towers

  14. #14


    Hey Britstef,

    Dax was having a little trouble at the start on aluminum and I recalled you did the towers, figured you could offer pointers as well.

    But looks like he getting it under control.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  15. Default

    butt joints are going to be your easiest joint to weld for aluminum. it's the corners and Ts that are tougher to learn......and make pretty

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    North of Dallas Tx

    Default More pics

    Ok I need to post these I have had them a while....but a continuation of my project. The custom intake I made for the 2JZGE-T engine.

    I have some other ones I need to post too.
    Gnothi Seauton 515 rwhp/527 Lbs.@21psi....nuff said.
    2JZ-HX40 Turbo swap Conquest. SDS-6E ECU, turbo pistons & HG, ACL race bearings, Arps, Custom FFIM for 1000cc injectors ..E-85 daily driven.

    2009 FZ1N Retro
    PowerTig 200LX to make things possible.

  17. #17


    Mad-Dax nice work. What's your HP goals? Let's see more of your build pics! Please.
    POWERMASTER 205 AC/DC Pulse TIG, Plasma and Stick

  18. #18



    Looks like you have the aluminum under control. Also looks like a lot of work, nice.

    Thanks for posting.

    You're welcome to post your project if you like and have time. We like to see the welds, but we like to see the projects too.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    North of Dallas Tx


    Quote Originally Posted by jericho777 View Post
    Mad-Dax nice work. What's your HP goals? Let's see more of your build pics! Please.
    I'd like to hit 600hp but I will drive everyday so with the clutch I got maybe to stay in the 450-500 range. Will post more later.
    Gnothi Seauton 515 rwhp/527 Lbs.@21psi....nuff said.
    2JZ-HX40 Turbo swap Conquest. SDS-6E ECU, turbo pistons & HG, ACL race bearings, Arps, Custom FFIM for 1000cc injectors ..E-85 daily driven.

    2009 FZ1N Retro
    PowerTig 200LX to make things possible.

  20. Default

    your getting there! more you do , better you get. and it looks like your improving alot over your projects... keep up the work!

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