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Thread: Cnc plasma torch head

  1. Default

    I think I'm going to give up on getting a straight torch that will work with my power plasma 50.
    I'm going on 3 weeks now and I can't seem to get any complete answers from anyone.
    I can't get a price, availability or compatibility response from anyone.
    I have gotten partial part numbers but no information or manufacturers on it and Google doesn't bring up the part numbers for me to look at them.
    I have gotten a rough price but no part number and I'm told the part number is different than the one from the rough price.

    If anyone ever reads this and can actually sell me a complete straight plasma torch assembly that includes the central connector and cable and torch head that will work with a power plasma 50 please let me know.

    I would love to give my money to someone who can say:
    "Dear David: Thank you for contacting us.
    A straight handle CNC style torch model #### with a ##ft cable and a connector that will work out of the box with your power plasma 50 will cost $###.## with S&H & Tax.
    It can arrive on or around ##/##/2012.
    Here is a picture, brochure or link of the Torch model ####
    You can call ###-###-#### to use a credit card over the phone or paypal a payment to"

    If I got that type of sales response I would be able to give someone my money.
    Sadly I have not been able to get a complete response yet. Only partial.
    I think its time to start machining a holder for my curved handle torch because there doesn't appear to be anyone who can answer the question.

    I will keep everyone informed of the progress of the project.

  2. #22



    here is the answer ..

    Both CNC torches that we have will NOT work with PP50 units

    S45 CNC torch is 300$ at this time we don't have it , i can get it for you in 45days after the Chinese holidays from TRAFIMET CHINA

    TRAFIMET USA will have it as well for around 400$
    S45 torch link
    s45 CNC not shown , but they have it
    Oleg Gladshteyn
    Phone: 650 588 8082 / 877 755 WELD
    Cell: 415 613 6664 ONLY IF YOU REALLY NEED IT

  3. Default

    So this is the Ergocut S45P part number PA1581 by Trafimet as shown in this picture with the black handle and the central connector and 6 meter cord for $300 and in approximately 45 days they will be available in the states. If all of that is true then I think we have a winner and you can sign me up for buying one.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	TrafimetErgocutS45&AutocutS45Pdiag.jpg 
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ID:	4660  

  4. #24


    It seems like there isn't much to a torch, it just needs to hold the consumables, right? Now, I don't know what I'm talking about here, but couldn't somebody good with a lathe spin one up out of plastic pipe? or, what's the problem with adapting one from one of the online suppliers?
    Everlast PowerPlasma70
    Hobart Ironman 230
    Lincoln A-D/C 225
    'Classic' Everlast Powertig 200DX 'We don't need no steenkin pre-flow..'

  5. #25


    No, Jake its way more complicated than that.


    If you want He can special order it for you...That is what he said, and in 45 days AFTER the chinese holiddays... The point is, it is rather expensive right now,and not keeping a lot of different ones in stock with different fittings.
    Of course, the more orders we get, then the more we will stock...

  6. Default

    Yep the torch heads are simple in appearance but difficult in design. Making a head is complicated due to how the air exits the head and how the contacts work. If you look at the picture there is a full head assembly and that could be made up to work but the outer body is also needed to hold the collar which does the final direction control of the airflow and centers the contact.

    So I'm just waiting for someone to say "Yes David it is part #PA1581 and your final total will be $###.## please call with a credit card or send a paypal payment to"
    So far all i've gotten is "we can get the S45 in about 45 days and its about $300"
    I still havent gotten the answer if it includes the connector or cable assembly.
    I still havent been told a part number or shown a picture of a torch with a straight head just given the part number of the same hand torch that came with my machine.
    All I want is to spend money and nobody seems to be able to tell me how much to spend or what I'm buying.
    It has been a lot of work getting an actual complete answer.
    I would go somewhere else but I can't find anyone else that knows anything about Everlast Plasma Cutters.

  7. #27


    I did some searching yesterday (attempting to help you spend that $ ;D) and they are elusive little buggers! Kind of seems like a person would be SOL if they broke their torch. I'm gonna be more careful with mine now..
    Everlast PowerPlasma70
    Hobart Ironman 230
    Lincoln A-D/C 225
    'Classic' Everlast Powertig 200DX 'We don't need no steenkin pre-flow..'

  8. #28

    Default Have you looked here? I am not that familar with EL plasma maybe you can get one to work from hypertherm. Good luck really nice table you have built.

  9. Default Waterbed Finished

    Yep getting torch heads seems like it might be more difficult than the whole build. But on a good note I finished the waterbed tonight.

    So I finished welding up the racks to hold slates for the waterbed and installed a drain. The pan is 3" deep. The rails are 1" sq tube with 1" welding tabs to hold the slates and then the slates are 2" tall. So they don't touch the bottom of the waterbed and don't get crud in all over them and its cheap to replaced worn out ones.

    Click image for larger version. 

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  10. Default

    Another quick update before i head off to bed.

    So I'm not using anything fancy like THC yet but my everlast power plasma 50 does have a CNC port and I've wired up pin 1+2 to my output #1 on mach3 and it fires just fine. Which means at this point I've finished all the initial goals for this project and I'm onto learning the software. Once I figure out the software and get some good cuts I'll get back to modifying it and adding in THC to the project.

  11. Default Close to running.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    I'm really close to running my first job on the machine. I've been learning sheetcam and its not bad. I've also been trying out DragonCNC as well and it looks interesting and simple. I've been sick for the week but I had enough energy to work on the electronics box. Basically I just built a wooden box and installed some power switches and outlets to simplify things. 2 switches / 4 plugs each. 1 switch is for the computer side, the other is for compressor and motors. I also painted the slates so they wouldn't rust as fast next time i replace the slates I think i will just go with galvanized.

    But I did run into a problem and I'm looking for advice. It seems that my steppers jerk when they change direction. I have a video showing how it jerks at certain points of drawing a circle. I would love to smooth that out if possible.

  12. #32


    That's coming along good. I couldn't see the jerking on the video. You know about the fumes with galv., right?
    Everlast PowerPlasma70
    Hobart Ironman 230
    Lincoln A-D/C 225
    'Classic' Everlast Powertig 200DX 'We don't need no steenkin pre-flow..'

  13. Default

    Success update. IT CUTS!!!#

  14. Default

    I got my sheetcam license and I decided to cut the Autodesk Smoke logo on my CNC Plasma cutter tonight. I think this project is coming along just fine.

  15. #35


    Coming along well. Is that stainless? So you are using Smoke to draw and sheetcam to cut? Wish you were local, I would love to have a CNC of a fair size and homemade (lower cost).

    Great job, my hat is off to you.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  16. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by Drandolph View Post

    But I did run into a problem and I'm looking for advice. It seems that my steppers jerk when they change direction. I have a video showing how it jerks at certain points of drawing a circle. I would love to smooth that out if possible.

    It is your contant velocity settings in mach3, you are probably set for exact stop. config/general config/checkbox half way down the second column.

  17. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Drandolph View Post
    Congrads! Looks good!
    Everlast PowerPlasma70
    Hobart Ironman 230
    Lincoln A-D/C 225
    'Classic' Everlast Powertig 200DX 'We don't need no steenkin pre-flow..'

  18. Default

    I just tried that tonight and it's still jerking. I think my next step is to break out the scope and see if the problem is at the drivers or from the computer. Thanks for the tip. It might be half the answer.

  19. Default

    I'm getting it all dialed in now and I'm starting to think about THC. Pretty much the only thing I've found is the LCTHC from candcnc. I was wondering if anybody is using it or has other suggestions on one that won't cost more than my whole machine?

  20. Default

    I upgraded my drag chain last night. I might have over done it.*


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