Well, this is a problem that has been around for me for a while now. When using the foot pedal I can't get stable arc, nor can I feather it. If I push the pedal all the way it works fine, but as soon as I start backing off to about half way, it starts to arc. This is all while tig welding (DC).
So far I have replaced the 4053 chip, and then the entire mother board was sent to me by Everlast Canada, still no change. The new mother board made the welder run even worse. I have also confirmed that the foot pedal is working properly, and that the potentiometer has not continuity through the entire range.
Any suggestions? I have gone back to just using the switch on the tig torch, and that is just not right.
I also have an older (bought it 3years ago) 200EX that I use at home, never had a single issue with it.
Not sure if this anybody else has this issue.