It has been quite some time since I have sent pictures back from my visits. The reason is that with our growth over the last couple of years what was once 4 or 5 trips a year has now become a bi monthly occurrence I returned from Shanghai on Saturday night and I leave again on the 3 Rd ,a day short of two weeks and I am booking my next trip for the end of as you can see we keep very busy.
You hear a lot about Duty cycle and how it pertains to welding and just what steps are taken to actually have accurate readings for this.
First you need to have a ambient temperature set as a example Canada has recently increased the temperature required to 47 degrees from 40 c for the rest of the world.
Below are the temperature controlled " ovens used in determining the duty cycle rating. This has to be done this way for accuracy . Imagine sitting a unit on a freezing concrete floor in the middle of winter and wondering why the readings are different from when you did this in summer in 90' weather.