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Thread: Welding Extension Cord

  1. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by Buggy Chief View Post
    Quiet honestly, that is how you make money in aviation
    I had three instructors, all named Rich, all were broke, no lie!
    Everlast PowerPlasma70
    Hobart Ironman 230
    Lincoln A-D/C 225
    'Classic' Everlast Powertig 200DX 'We don't need no steenkin pre-flow..'

  2. #42


    Quote Originally Posted by posixPilot View Post
    I'm especially jealous of the sea plane experience. I've always dreamed of flying an Albatross some day (i.e. before the few that are left end up in a museum).

    Jake, you should check out X-Plane ... it's a cheap but decent way to practice IFR procedures. Also, google VATSIM. It's way over the top, but also kind of cool.

    I have an old ifr training program, it ran on a 486 I think.. some things you just can't throw out. If I get back into flying, I'm gonna do it the way I always thought I should, but never did, something equiv. to the Kitfox.
    Last edited by Jake98; 01-20-2012 at 12:03 AM.
    Everlast PowerPlasma70
    Hobart Ironman 230
    Lincoln A-D/C 225
    'Classic' Everlast Powertig 200DX 'We don't need no steenkin pre-flow..'

  3. Default

    unfortunately it is only given me the option to post a URL. My pop up screen doesn't look like yours when I click on the picture icon. Maybe it has to do with the Apple platform?

  4. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by Buggy Chief View Post
    unfortunately it is only given me the option to post a URL. My pop up screen doesn't look like yours when I click on the picture icon. Maybe it has to do with the Apple platform?
    You should upgrade to a PC.
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

  5. Default

    10,000 comedians are out of work and that's the best you got?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	f125535168.jpg 
Views:	268 
Size:	143.2 KB 
ID:	4665  

  6. #46


    Quote Originally Posted by Buggy Chief View Post
    10,000 comedians are out of work and that's the best you got?
    No, but at least ya picked a good plane..... I love those bonanzas.
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

  7. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by Jake98 View Post
    If I get back into flying, I'm gonna do it the way I always thought I should, but never did, something equiv. to the Kitfox.
    Very nice ... glass in a bush plane!

  8. #48


    In my opinion Beechcraft make the 'cadillac' of general aviation aircraft. I was lucky enough to fly a Bonanza 36 for over a year for a corporation...alot of flying on instruments in winter, yet no wing deicing. Had to find the right altitude where the ice would not stick, or try to get on top. IFR is surreal but I loved it. For seaplanes, I flew a Helio Courier on floats alot, a Cessna 180, and instructed in an underpowered Cessna 140 on floats. A beautiful Vtail BuggyChief!

  9. Default Old pilots

    Can we make it five ?

    Retired 14+ years off the 747 classic.
    Did only 2 real CAT llla approaches in my entire career (London, Zurich), when I flew the 767.

    The only piece of equipment I command now is the lawn tractor.


  10. #50


    Welcome Captain Rivets.

  11. #51


    I plan on making my own, i was quoted $125 for 50' of 6/3 SJ wire, male and female receptacals run about $10 each.
    Everlast PowerTig 225 LX
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  12. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by KSmith View Post
    In my opinion Beechcraft make the 'cadillac' of general aviation aircraft. I was lucky enough to fly a Bonanza 36 for over a year for a corporation...alot of flying on instruments in winter, yet no wing deicing. Had to find the right altitude where the ice would not stick, or try to get on top. IFR is surreal but I loved it. For seaplanes, I flew a Helio Courier on floats alot, a Cessna 180, and instructed in an underpowered Cessna 140 on floats. A beautiful Vtail BuggyChief!
    Thanks KSmith. Love the A36 and being a six place. In my opinion the best looking Single Engine Piston on the market. The Bonanza was fast, comfortable and carried a great useful load at 1100#. The only reason I pulled the trigger on N4430W (we named her W) is because I got a good deal and it was a one owner and I knew the history.

  13. Default

    Welcome Rivets. Impressive Big Iron my friend. At least you got paid to fly How was the pucker factor when you did the CAT IIIa?

  14. #54


    Quote Originally Posted by Rivets View Post
    The only piece of equipment I command now is the lawn tractor.
    When I first got my headphones and intercom I took my nephew for a ride around the yard on the wheelhorse with them on. His look was priceless as my voice went into his ears!
    Everlast PowerPlasma70
    Hobart Ironman 230
    Lincoln A-D/C 225
    'Classic' Everlast Powertig 200DX 'We don't need no steenkin pre-flow..'

  15. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Buggy Chief View Post
    Welcome Rivets. Impressive Big Iron my friend. At least you got paid to fly How was the pucker factor when you did the CAT IIIa?
    The whole approach (London) was pretty well the same as in the simulator. At the "100 above" call, the F/O remains heads down on the panel and the captain must start scanning through the windshield for visual cues.

    At the "Decision Height" call from the F/O, the only two possible responses from the captain are "Landing" or "Go around". In this particular approach, all I saw at D/H was the orange glare of the High Intensity Approach Lights through the fog, not the runway itself.
    Called "Landing" and the three Autopilots did their job.

    More interesting was the tower instruction to follow the green exits lights, to which the F/O responded "We don't see any". Tower replied, "You will".

    Sure enough, when ground radar observed that we had slowed down sufficiently, a set of green lights were switched on at the appropriate moment, and we followed them all the way to the gate without seeing anything outside. Taxi speed was maintained using IRS G/S readout.

    The one in Zurich was anticlimactic because the weather had lifted somewhat on final approach.


  16. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Jake98 View Post
    When I first got my headphones and intercom I took my nephew for a ride around the yard on the wheelhorse with them on. His look was priceless as my voice went into his ears!
    Neat! Will have to try that with my grandsons this summer.


  17. #57


    75' 8/3 figured I'd post a pic, it'll never get rolled up like that again..
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	cord.jpg 
Views:	331 
Size:	128.9 KB 
ID:	4673
    Everlast PowerPlasma70
    Hobart Ironman 230
    Lincoln A-D/C 225
    'Classic' Everlast Powertig 200DX 'We don't need no steenkin pre-flow..'

  18. #58


    Here's a picture of the subpanel I described before:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_1650.jpg 
Views:	353 
Size:	147.0 KB 
ID:	4696

    I made it out of super strut ... I zip tied it to a hand truck, so that I could move it around with all of that 4/4 coiled up .


  19. #59


    That looks egg-selent! Let's see how many pilot/chicken owners we can get on the thread now.. we're up to 2.
    Last edited by Jake98; 01-23-2012 at 12:23 AM.
    Everlast PowerPlasma70
    Hobart Ironman 230
    Lincoln A-D/C 225
    'Classic' Everlast Powertig 200DX 'We don't need no steenkin pre-flow..'

  20. #60


    Heh, what are the odds? See, I was just trying to get the thread back on topic, and look what I did .

    I have 2 buff orpingtons, and 2 silver laced Wyandottes. What do you have in your flock?

    Power Pro 256

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