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Thread: Officially a new EVERLAST owner, FINALLY!!! 250EX

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Fridley, Minnesota

    Default Officially a new EVERLAST owner, FINALLY!!! 250EX

    So, after discovering EVERLAST a little over a year ago, and becoming a forum member a little under a year ago (I actually didn't join because of a contest, by the way, I joined to learn more), I was FINALLY able to get ordered and shipped my first of what I hope is a line of Everlast equipment, And I can't wait!!!! I wanted the 250EXT, but due to several factors, including what I have to spend, availability, and delivery time, I opted to get a 250EX first, take care of the welding needs I have to take care of IMMEDIATELY, and get the EXT in the near future. I ordered it WITH a water cooler, and also happened to order a couple other pieces of Everlast equipment, but that's another story I will be talking about in the future. Right now, I wait with baited breath for next week, when I hope to see, feel, touch, and strike my first arc with my new welder. I will keep you posted from Day one!!!
    "It's not magic it's experimental, kind of like washing your hands after pooping used to be." -House

    Everlast PowerTig 250EX-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerCool W300-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerTig 185 Micro-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerPlasma 70-arrived 1-26-2012
    ESAB MigMaster 250-borrowed
    HyperTherm 151 AKA "The Light Sabre"
    Linde UCC-305-964 lb. of old time water cooled TIG love-SOLD-Bad MOJO

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    Congrats, Chris! I hope this moves you closer to the successful full-on launch of Hooda Inc!

    (PS I think looks better without the playing card theme in the background.)
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  3. #3


    Exciting times. I look forward to my first Everlast as well. I can't wait to hear some more stories about your experiences with it. be sure to put up some pics of your first few projects. Try to give us a blow by blow, first impressions, ease of setup, or not so easy, you know... Again congratulations.
    Miller Challenger 172 Mig
    Soon to be winner of a Powertig 210 EXT

    Wade Mortenson

  4. #4


    I think you will love your new 250EX. I love mine and it is a really smooth machine. I tested new Miller and Lincoln equipment at LWS's before I bought and found that the Everlast stuff is every bit as good as those.

    Make sure you upgrade the torch as that was the best thing I found to make this one sweet welder. The factory torch is fine if you are welding ships and bridges, but for the majority of the work I find myself doing, a good smaller torch is the way to go.
    Powertig 250EX
    Powerplasma 50
    Hobart Handler 210 with spoolgun
    Cobra 2000 / Henrob O/A torch
    Drill press / metal brake / 36 ton air hydraulic press
    Franzinated modified Craftsman 33 compressor
    Lots of other metal working tools

  5. #5


    I love my 250ex! Congrats
    I agree, the upgrade to the 20 torch made a Huge difference in the comfort and manuverability.

    Gotta change you Sig now!!!
    PowerTig 250EX
    Power I-MIG 200
    Power Plasma 50
    It's what you learn, After you know it all, that counts!

  6. #6


    Pulling for you. I know it's been a tough row to hoe lately for you. Let ME know how I can help...In fact I'd encourage you to call me and we can go over some things that can expedite getting up and running.

  7. #7


    You will have fun with it. The OEM torch is a bit unwieldy even for a big guy like me. A WP20 really makes a difference.

    I weld a good bit of steel tubing. Either pulsing the pedal or the pulse mode, it makes a real neat weld on a mitered joint.

    Have fun with it!
    Everlast 250EX with cooler and WP20 Torch
    Millermatic Mig Welder
    Gas welding setup
    A bunch of Snap-On tools
    And a Brain

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    RUSSIA.Sankt Peterburg


    Hooda,I very much am glad for you
    and my PP256 couldn't pass Finnish customs and was sent back to China.
    It is necessary to wait again
    (ебаное TNT)
    EVERLAST Power Tig 255 EXT
    EWM Pico 162
    MERKLE mobimig 180K
    SELCO Genesis 352 pme

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Fridley, Minnesota


    Thanks for the support guys, I was in such awe that it was actually happening that I forgot about the fact that the EX doesn't come with the WP20 as standard. I emailed Oleg this morning and ordered a WP20 torch, hopefully to go out today, we'll see how it pans out. I learned how to TIG with a weldcraft wp20, so, I still have a good amount of consumables for it, including a gas lens, and tungsten with collets/bodies down to .020", so, I'll be playing with the lowest end right out of the chute. My first projects are:

    1. A Harley engine cam cover with a big gash (what filler rod to use for matchup, 4043 or 5456?)
    2. a broken engine case for a 7HP tecumseh snowblower engine,
    3. a Harley gas tank,
    4. some reinforcement plates for my engine valve spring compressor, and
    5. a complete, all aluminum parts washer. I bought a 3-1/2 gallon parts washer on sale, thinking that it would suffice, given the tight confines of my shop..WRONG!! All it is is a place that holds solvent so when I turn on the pump, it splashes all over the place. It's comical watching me clean up a part in that thing. I'm thinking a trip to the scrapyard, and a few pieces of 11 or 10 gage aluminum for the main reservoir and lid, 1-1/4 inch square aluminum tubing for the chassis/cart and retrofitting the pumping mechanics from the 3 gallon unit will have me in business in no time, and give me a good amount of seat time with the 250 EX at the same time.
    6. Next on the list is a bead blast cabinet, which I'll make from 16 or 18 gage steel, and use a shop vac for evacuation, expanded metal for the floor, and a $20.00 siphon feed setup from HF or whatever. They work great for basic, small-time parts.
    7. A set of adaptors to fit motorcycle engines and transmissions to a standard automotive-type engine rebuilding stand for service. The idea being, thanks to the much lighter weight, being able to articulate the given assembly to whatever compound angle is required to make service easier, without wrestling the assembly around on a bench. I will be offering these for sale to the general public within the next few months.

    I also managed to score a speedglas 9100x helmet and also a speedglas 100v(with graphics), to go along with my huntsman unit. They were a KILLER deal at the pawn shop, so I couldn't pass them up, plus, they will give me a perspective on what differentiates the technology offered by these three models. Look for my reviews, once I get to welding. I can't wait!!!!!!
    "It's not magic it's experimental, kind of like washing your hands after pooping used to be." -House

    Everlast PowerTig 250EX-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerCool W300-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerTig 185 Micro-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerPlasma 70-arrived 1-26-2012
    ESAB MigMaster 250-borrowed
    HyperTherm 151 AKA "The Light Sabre"
    Linde UCC-305-964 lb. of old time water cooled TIG love-SOLD-Bad MOJO

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Greater Seattle, WA


    Awesome, Chris - I know this has been in the works for a long time for you. We're looking forward to hearing how it goes! Also, I think you made a good choice on the machine. I've used a 250EX before (it was "Angular's" here on the forum), and found it was a very capable unit. A WP20 with watercooling also seems perfect for the machine and for your needs (machine is just too powerful for a reasonable sized aircooled torch IMO.)

    The Everlast WP20 is a good choice because it will be "plug and play" on that machine, it will give you a torch switch, and is pretty high in quality level as well.

    Interested in hearing your review on welding masks also.

    PS - for aluminum alloy selection for the harley cam cover, I would tend to favor using 4043 since the part probably sees high service temperatures. (And high magnesium content alloys can have stress corrosion cracking problems at high service temperatures. Aluminum filler rod selection chart, for your convenience: )
    '13 Everlast 255EXT
    '07 Everlast Super200P

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    Yo, Hooda- tried to respond to your PM, and got a message saying your box is full.
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Fridley, Minnesota


    Quote Originally Posted by jakeru View Post
    The Everlast WP20 is a good choice because it will be "plug and play" on that machine, it will give you a torch switch, and is pretty high in quality level as well.

    Interested in hearing your review on welding masks also.

    PS - for aluminum alloy selection for the harley cam cover, I would tend to favor using 4043 since the part probably sees high service temperatures. (And high magnesium content alloys can have stress corrosion cracking problems at high service temperatures. Aluminum filler rod selection chart, for your convenience: )
    Thanks for the show of support. I just picked up the 2 speedglas ADF's today, (pics later) a 9100x and a model 100 "eagle grafik" edition. They're both decent looking helmets, each scored for under $100.00 at different pawn shops in town. While at one, I noticed a new, used ADF on the shelf. It was KT brand, never heard of it, but it had external knobs for shade and delay, grinding mode button, plasma mode button, lots o features for $60.00.

    As far as torch, I called Everlast, and they've shipped me a wp20 torch on the spot! (of course, I had to pay for it), so, hopefully EZ hookup to the watercooler, and arc-city on day1 of delivery! I'm going to do everything I can possibly do to ensure it goes that way.

    For the cam cover, it's an outer lip that got ground off from a bike being dumped over at some point. I need to run a bead to build it up, then grind and polish to like new. It's appearance only, so color match is the thing in this case. I have some 356 rod, and to the best of my knowledge, HD used that very alloy for the cover. Any suggestions otherwise? Or, what other alloy could they have used, and what will match up best?
    "It's not magic it's experimental, kind of like washing your hands after pooping used to be." -House

    Everlast PowerTig 250EX-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerCool W300-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerTig 185 Micro-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerPlasma 70-arrived 1-26-2012
    ESAB MigMaster 250-borrowed
    HyperTherm 151 AKA "The Light Sabre"
    Linde UCC-305-964 lb. of old time water cooled TIG love-SOLD-Bad MOJO

  13. #13


    Don't forget to get a fairly large tank for your argon. I started off with an 80 cft tank and found it was too small for all the welding I've been doing. So I got a 150, found that it was also too small. So I went with a 250. Nice but still I like going at least a few months without having to buy gas again. So I ended up with a 320 tank. Really nice except that it is so big and heavy. I may go back to a 250 and get two of those.

    Don't forget too that Everlast has an upgrade for the foot pedal. The factory foot pedal is OK and is an industrial pedal for sure. It is big. I prefer a smaller pedal with a bit more fine control.
    Powertig 250EX
    Powerplasma 50
    Hobart Handler 210 with spoolgun
    Cobra 2000 / Henrob O/A torch
    Drill press / metal brake / 36 ton air hydraulic press
    Franzinated modified Craftsman 33 compressor
    Lots of other metal working tools

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Fridley, Minnesota


    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    Don't forget to get a fairly large tank for your argon. I started off with an 80 cft tank and found it was too small for all the welding I've been doing. So I got a 150, found that it was also too small. So I went with a 250. Nice but still I like going at least a few months without having to buy gas again. So I ended up with a 320 tank. Really nice except that it is so big and heavy. I may go back to a 250 and get two of those.

    Don't forget too that Everlast has an upgrade for the foot pedal. The factory foot pedal is OK and is an industrial pedal for sure. It is big. I prefer a smaller pedal with a bit more fine control.
    Monday morning, I will be introducing myself to the nearest LWS (St. Cloud, MN), and getting a 320 for in-shop use, plus possibly a small 75%helium/25%argon tank just for experimentation's sake. Also plan on shopping for a small (portable) argon tank so I can load this bad boy up and go on-site when necessary. As far as foot pedals go, I totally forgot about the upgrade option on that, or I would have done it right from the get-go. (I did remember the wp20 torch) But, as business goes, I also need to know what you get with a standard order, as I see people wanting to buy these, once they see me using it in my shop.
    "It's not magic it's experimental, kind of like washing your hands after pooping used to be." -House

    Everlast PowerTig 250EX-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerCool W300-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerTig 185 Micro-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerPlasma 70-arrived 1-26-2012
    ESAB MigMaster 250-borrowed
    HyperTherm 151 AKA "The Light Sabre"
    Linde UCC-305-964 lb. of old time water cooled TIG love-SOLD-Bad MOJO

  15. #15


    My 250EX has paid for itself after a very short time. Well worth the price and even more. I see you got the powerplasma 70. I have the PP50 and it has been awesome.

    From what I have been reading, the 250EXT is having birth pains so maybe it was a good thing to get the 250EX first.
    I will eventually get the 250EXT but till the little problems work themselves out, I am one happy welder with the 250EX.
    Powertig 250EX
    Powerplasma 50
    Hobart Handler 210 with spoolgun
    Cobra 2000 / Henrob O/A torch
    Drill press / metal brake / 36 ton air hydraulic press
    Franzinated modified Craftsman 33 compressor
    Lots of other metal working tools

  16. #16


    If you are getting He Ar, get 75 Ar/25 He.

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