Thanks for the link to the propane torch attachments, jakeru. I'm going to keep that product in mind in case I need to do some more plumbing. That might have been good to have when I helped a friend change out some of his copper pipes a few months ago.
I'm still leery of PEX. I know some people who have had very bad experiences with leaking polybutylene in their central heating. I know PEX isn't polybutylene so it's more of a psychological thing ....
Any of you put a bib (correction - looked it up and it is called a drain pan) under your water heater when you changed it? Supposed to help drain the water in a controlled manner if the bottom corrodes and either leaks or gives out completely ....
Is it OK to want to break something just so that you can weld it back together?
Everlast PowerTIG 185 Micro IGBT AC/DC Welder