On Thursday, January 26th, a big brown truck backed over the snowbank in my front yard, and dropped off four large boxes, and a small package. All in good external condition, except the one marked "WATER COOLER", which had a 6-inch square hole ripped in the side of it. I proceeded to open the boxes, in no particular order, except the water-cooler box, which I opted to open last, in case there was mood-wrecking news inside. With my Sony HandyCam running, I gingerly cut the tape open on the first box, and pulled up on the HEAVY handle inside. There was my new PowerPlasma 70, and in the accessory box, was the requested Trafimet torch upgrade, the manual, and the rest of the accessory-pak. all immaculate. Next box, a new PowerTig 185 Micro, complete. Then the BIGGIE, I opened the box with baited-breath, and pulled out, In all it's glory, my new PowerTig 250EX, and absolute work of beauty. That is the one out of the three that I've had my eye on since I discovered Everlast, a little under a year ago. Thanks to some creativity from the finance company that Everlast uses, I was able to make a dream come true quicker than I would have otherwise by many months. Even though I will end up paying a premium for the next two years, the tax advantage will offset that premium during the term of my lease. Next, the water-cooler. I opened the box, expecting the worst, and to my surprise, all was in order, nothing was missing or damaged, and the permanent grin returned to my face. Last, I opened the small package, and inside was Everlast's WP-20 style torch. Unlike what I was expecting, after hearing about denim cable covers, my torch came equipped with a rubber-like, seamless cover, which looks like it will withstand being dragged over corners, edges and the like without snagging. It came pre-configured for the large DINSE connector on the 250EX, and pre-installed plumbing for the PowerCool W300 water cooler, and 250EX gas output port. With this setup, it takes literally a few seconds to hook up, or unhook the torch. The torch switch is the paddle-style, and is installed with zip-ties, which I actually PREFER, as it allows for east re-positioning per operator preference. It came with a consumables-pak, which included no only the full length back cap, but also a stubby cap for getting into the really tight spots. I opted to leave the supplied consumables in the package, and install some out of my existing stash of genuine heliarc parts. The 3/32" collet body, collet, back cap, and No. 5 cup screwed into the Everlast torch smoothly, and tightened up perfectly. This torch is nice and slim, and truly compatible with WP-20 consumables. Nice unit that can't be beat for the price, especially compared to the eminent headaches and extra expense involved with hooking up an aftermerket torch. For the last 2 days, I've been so busy with other matters that all I've had a chance to do is install the plug un the 250 ex, fill and hook up the W300 to the 250 EX, and run some test beads for maybe 10 minutes. So Far, So Good!! I will post more within the next day or two, including pictures!!