I've never seen that as well. But the torch is now damaged, so it could do anything. Did you use the air gauge/tube to set the air pressure?
I would call tech support at this point since the torch has damaged.
I've never seen that as well. But the torch is now damaged, so it could do anything. Did you use the air gauge/tube to set the air pressure?
I would call tech support at this point since the torch has damaged.
Mike R.
Email: admineverlast@everlastwelders.com
877-755-9353 x203
M-F 12 - 7PM PST
FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.
Air pressure was set at 60 psi.
The tig function works great, very happy with the way it performs. I fooled with several setting and everything seems to work as it should, only problem is with plasma cutting.
If my plasma torch was tested, then they put in a new tip, it was unused.
I tried to call tech support a couple days ago, left my name and number, but no one ever called back. Will try again tomorrow. Thanks for all the replies fellas.
BTW, I'm not bashing Everlast, I think it is great that they are making some competitively priced products, its the small things that ruin a company's name. Hopefully the QC will pick up a little and then they will be a force to recon with.
877-755-9353 x204
M-F 9am - 5pm EST
Does Everlast sell parts for this torch?
If not where can they be found?
If it was set at 60PSI, that means you did not use the gauge (tube with the ball in it) to set the air pressure?? 60 sounds low for the A81. There should have been a plastic tube air gauge with the torch to set the pressure.
You can contact our sales group for parts sales@everlastwelders.com. I get mine through Welder Services, local for me. You can not order them direct from Trafimet. Also look on ebay, there is a guy that sells the consumables as well (has river in his username). I have bought from him when we did not have parts in stocks many months ago.
Mike R.
Email: admineverlast@everlastwelders.com
877-755-9353 x203
M-F 12 - 7PM PST
FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.
When did we start using flow gauges on plasma? That's new to me.
Everlast PowerPlasma70
Hobart Ironman 230
Lincoln A-D/C 225
'Classic' Everlast Powertig 200DX 'We don't need no steenkin pre-flow..'
Mike R.
Email: admineverlast@everlastwelders.com
877-755-9353 x203
M-F 12 - 7PM PST
FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.
The correct psi for the A81 torch is 72 psi and you can use the flow tube to make sure you have enough CFM.
consumable parts are available from us .
Ok...so I took the cover off the machine today...the points gap was huge...probably .055-.060...set it to .035...The adjustment on this thing is a total joke. There are no setscrews or anything to keep the points set where they should be...very flimsy! I would recommend that everyone check theirs...I wouldn't be surprised if jolts from shipping would knock these points out of whack.
Put it back together, and am now getting the pilot arc to fire every time. Made some cuts, notice that there is an occasional arc between the cup and the work piece. When this stray arc is present the cutting arc goes away...
If I can ever get anyone to call me back I will request a new torch...left a message at sales and tech support...no returned calls thus far.
I think this is the guy on ebay Mike is talking about http://stores.ebay.com/plasma-cutter-consumables
At most you'll only need a cup unless it has melted the torch head.
877-755-9353 x204
M-F 9am - 5pm EST
Then make sure you use 72PSI. All of our units will handle 60-75 pretty much and lower. The A81 likes to be over 65, unlike all our other torches.
As Duncan posted it works out to 72PSI for the A81. So just use that pressure. The flow gauge to me was, OK use it one time and it sets on the shelf now.
Mike R.
Email: admineverlast@everlastwelders.com
877-755-9353 x203
M-F 12 - 7PM PST
FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.
[QUOTE=Jake98;21967]No. That's the way the a81 looks... stubby tip(drag tip that really shouldn't be dragged), squared off retaining cap with a plastic rim protruding past the brass.
I too have beef with this torch, and am very displeased with the design. I did _not_ have problems with my HF start, just to be clear. My problem is in the use of the torch, that damned snub nosed tip and square retaining cap is not much use for anything other than flat stock. the standoffs are a joke and as mentioned the roller guide is the better option.
My torch now looks much like the OP's. I've been using this torch for a couple months and curse it almost every time I pick it up. Try cutting the inside corner of some large angle iron or, like I'm doing today, trying to cut a 55deg mitre in some S8 I-beam. In a confined space like that the standoff is a hindrance but even without its clumsy at best. the problem is that inevitably the edge of that retaining cap is difficult to see around and gets in the way, comes into contact with the wall/shoulder of the work, and melts. Putting a chamfer on anything also leads to more melting. And even using an appropriately thick piece of bar stock as a straight edge to maintain the required height leads to the plastic deforming(as the straight edge heats up) as you run the torch along the bar on that plastic shoulder.
so all of this is to say: "Why plastic?" indeed. Other torches have conical tips and conical brass or even ceramic retaining caps. I'm not sure how the a81 is supposed to be superior, it cuts just fine(in the flat), but damn is it awkward....and melty.
would be nice if parts like these were available for the a81:![]()
In the absence of comparison, there can be a lot to complain about sometimes.Think the edge of the A 81 is difficult to see around? Try another brand then add STIFF cable to the mix. Then, the A 81 won't seem so bad. It's a choice of either melty or sticky or breaky or burny...All torches of all brands will do something you don't like when blow back is an issue. The plastic is actually a high temp bakelite substance.
877-755-9353 x204
M-F 9am - 5pm EST
Guess I got spoiled on the first plasma cutter I was introduced to. It was a miller with a conical tip and cap. I've looked around online for other consumables, but the only other type I found for the a81 were long tip(same lobed drag tip, but about double the length) and long electrode. do you know of any others in the conical style? even just a pointed tip would be nice?
Trafimet USA can provide you with a local or online distributor (or they should be able to at least) of their product.
This should help. There is a longer nozzle along with electrode, and air tube available. We do not carry it though and send it back to Trafimet for parts.
If you want they can provide you with other type torches with the Central Euro Connector. But you need to talk with them.
Here's their complete catalog http://www.trafimetusa.com/Images/Fl..._Final_web.pdf
877-755-9353 x204
M-F 9am - 5pm EST
Thanks! that seems to be what I was looking for. In combination with the longer tip/electrode, CV0201 looks like a conical guard that fits right over the plastic retaining cap.
much obliged.
Mike R.
Email: admineverlast@everlastwelders.com
877-755-9353 x203
M-F 12 - 7PM PST
FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.