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Thread: I need a SMALL MALE to LARGE FEMALE DINSE adapter. Where do I GO??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Fridley, Minnesota

    Default I need a SMALL MALE to LARGE FEMALE DINSE adapter. Where do I GO??

    Hey Folks, In case you haven't noticed, I have recently purchased a 185 Micro. I would seriously like to outfit this with a WP20 torch and either use my existing Everlast water cooler, or build one custom. Either way, I need a SMALL MALE to LARGE FEMALE DINSE adapter, because the WP20 water cooler adapters that I've come across are all LARGE MALE, and the 185 micro comes from the factory with SMALL FEMALE output lugs. If I can find this adaptor, I can just use the Everlast WP20 torch I currently have on my 250 EX, just to test the concept, if nothing else. I do not like gas-cooled torches. If you know where such an adapter is available, please share that info with us. Thanks.
    "It's not magic it's experimental, kind of like washing your hands after pooping used to be." -House

    Everlast PowerTig 250EX-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerCool W300-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerTig 185 Micro-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerPlasma 70-arrived 1-26-2012
    ESAB MigMaster 250-borrowed
    HyperTherm 151 AKA "The Light Sabre"
    Linde UCC-305-964 lb. of old time water cooled TIG love-SOLD-Bad MOJO

  2. Default

    You could try Arc-Zone. They've got all the dinse connectors and some adapters on their web site. They claim if you don't see it, call them. I did see some dinse adapters that used a short length of cable between the two connectors but couldn't find the darn web site again. I needed to go the other way to adapt the small dinse on my watercooled swivel-head CK to the larger dinse on my 200 DX. Couldn't find the small female dinse locally and didn't want to wait so I machined an adapter. A fun little lathe project but not quick and dirty the way I went about it :^)

    If I had to do it again I'd just order the male/female connectors I needed and just stick them together with a short length of cable or rod. Unless Arc-Zone can recommend one off the shelf.


  3. #3


    A guy on another forum yesterday mentioned that the tweeco connectors are much more reasonably priced. Just cut the wire a couple feet from the machine. Something like $7 compared to $35.
    I guess that was just for arc welding cables tho, now that I think of it. (didn't have my coffee yet..)
    Last edited by Jake98; 01-31-2012 at 11:49 AM.
    Everlast PowerPlasma70
    Hobart Ironman 230
    Lincoln A-D/C 225
    'Classic' Everlast Powertig 200DX 'We don't need no steenkin pre-flow..'

  4. #5


    Tractor supply sells large and small dinse and the cable to put it together not sure of cost.

  5. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Fridley, Minnesota


    Thanks, fcdmiami, That's exactly what I need. I searched the world over for a small, simple plug, and apparently they don't exist. My other option was to buy two Lenco/Profax cable ends separately and link them together with a solid piece of copper, but that's getting a bit long, and runs the danger of applying too much force to the panel if it's bumped (inevitable) causing damage to the panel. Unless I suddenly stumble upon a stubby adapter, this IS the solution. Thanks again.
    "It's not magic it's experimental, kind of like washing your hands after pooping used to be." -House

    Everlast PowerTig 250EX-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerCool W300-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerTig 185 Micro-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerPlasma 70-arrived 1-26-2012
    ESAB MigMaster 250-borrowed
    HyperTherm 151 AKA "The Light Sabre"
    Linde UCC-305-964 lb. of old time water cooled TIG love-SOLD-Bad MOJO

  6. Default

    i make my own because i like having the whips. plus i have 10's and 40's in cam locks. you can save some money that way.

    here is a link to lenco's catalogue; they have a direct dinse to cam connector. you don't see them sold retail to often.

    i see the link does not take you to the exact page, it is in the section between 12-16.

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