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Thread: Trafimet stand-off guide

  1. #1

    Default Trafimet stand-off guide

    Got an upgrade to a Trafimet A81.

    Honestly, I don't like it too much. The handle is too long, that thing is too bulky.

    That stand-off guide edge has an undefined distance from center of the plasma arc. And it is not constant around it's circumference, and neither is it rigid. Left side differs from right and from front and back. Try cutting a round piece from a template using the entire circumference of the guide.... Good grief!!!

    That what came to mind is: Taking away that stand-off guide, and dragging the tip of the electrode along the workpiece. But there seems to be issues with that at higher amperages, as I understand from previous posts: It might damage the torch. If someone could elaborate, please?


  2. #2


    The torch tip must be at a certain height to cut properly, especially at higher amps and thicker metal, check out this site to see pictures of proper height and the different types of DROSS, that is to say Dross can show up on top of the plate or under it, which tells you if you are too high or too low on the plate.
    You can drag cut but only on the thinner stuff.
    Cannot help you if the handle is too long, guess you could cut some off of it...
    Some of those lies people tell about me, are true

  3. Default

    The wire standoff is not the best solution . The wheeled standoff that we sell is a much better option.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	A81 Sitewheel 001.jpg 
Views:	311 
Size:	138.5 KB 
ID:	4935  

    905 637 1637

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