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Thread: To Gunner RE the EXT. Stay with us!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Fridley, Minnesota

    Default To Gunner RE the EXT. Stay with us!!

    I figure that this warrants a separate thread, and in the TIG section for a reason. I want to take a moment to say to Gunner in somewhat of an "ambassador" type role, please stay with us. In my humble opinion, I would like to acknowledge that yes, you were offended by a member of this forum, and that, if the remarks said to you in defense of a problem with the EXT that you had are true (I wasn't on the phone listening to the conversation), it was inappropriate. Cutting people down gets a problem nowhere, especially not SOLVED. I sincerely hope that you can move beyond that and stay active on this forum as a contributing member. Your experience as a TIG welder is valuable to me and other members of this forum. I'm a lifelong stick and OA welder, and a relative newb to the TIG world, and TIG will be a big part of what I do for a living, but I need to learn.
    If your advice points an inexperienced welder such as myself in the right direction on how to approach a weld on a structural component, like a motorcycle frame or rollcage made out of 4130, or even a trailer hitch, you could possibly save someone's LIFE. I wish that your needs could have been met in a more timely manner, but when you have a business to run, often plan "B" is the only option. I'm confident that the Everlast team will have all the issues that you and anyone else is having with the EXT resolved in the very near future, and I hope that you give Everlast another shot, whether it's another EXT, or one of their other products that will fill your needs. I just got a PowerPlasma70, and it's every bit as good as the Thermal Dynamics CutMaster 151 that I've been using up until this point, if not better. Good Luck, and keep posting the cool stuff that you've made. Maybe include how it was welded, amperage, tungsten size, etc. I promise you the haters will stop hating, or we'll gang up on them and chase them off to that other forum where haters love to do their thing! Thanks.
    "It's not magic it's experimental, kind of like washing your hands after pooping used to be." -House

    Everlast PowerTig 250EX-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerCool W300-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerTig 185 Micro-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerPlasma 70-arrived 1-26-2012
    ESAB MigMaster 250-borrowed
    HyperTherm 151 AKA "The Light Sabre"
    Linde UCC-305-964 lb. of old time water cooled TIG love-SOLD-Bad MOJO

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Knoxville, Tennessee


    I don't think anyone of you guys that got so defensive would have handled that situation much differently than I did. I commented several times it was regretful that things had got so ugly between myself and Oleg. In the short time I owned one of his machines I learned that Oleg works 24/7 not so much differently than myself. There have been many emails hitting my phone at 4,5,and 6 am when the rest of the world is sleeping. Without opening up the past because I have agreed that it's of little or no use to anyone I will say one individual crossed way over the lines and that resulted in me taking the only platform I had available to reach back out and return the favor. After many years in this craft and I consider TIG welding more of an artwork than welding, but it is welding. I take great offense to anyone talking down to me or about my craft! This is partially due to the way my country has turned it's back on every skilled crafts person within it's confines and acts as if anyone without a Masters degree is nothing more than unskilled, uneducated, and from the looks of things in America unwanted or needed ! I may not have a Masters degree from a prestigious university but the Doctors degree I hold in life impresses me far more than any 10 engineers or pretend engineers that act as if they can talk down to me about how things work in real life and real application just because they read it in a book somewhere !! The disrespectful and condescending manor in which I was responded to when I was telling of very real and very present issues with the EXT was far more than enough to set me on the war path and that's what happened.. I could never understand the lack of seeing that my intentions was to get the thing fixed not only for myself but for whomever else that may come after me. It's truly sad that it took so much fighting before the problems were finally acknowledged and address and I can't help but wonder how many more would have been impacted had all this not taken place. America is in the condition that it is today because most people simply don't care or they dislike controversy so much that they will accept most anything as that's just the way it is oh well before they will speak up and be heard ! Only after it's too late most times do most people notice the house is on fire and in fact they are burning right along with it! This is how our auto industry got such poor quality! This is why we're sitting here in America today with so many people out of work and no hope to find work! I'm not saying everyone needs to bitch and raise all manor of hell like I have been known to do but people when there's a problem SPEAK UP ! Demand it be addressed and don't stop addressing it until it's done ! Even the few that do speak up don't follow up on the issues they spoke out about.. When I brought the issues to the attention of the proper person concerning the EXT I was told it was being addressed and after a few weeks I checked back to see where the progress was only to be told ........ we haven't heard from you and we thought you were happy ! EXPLOSION NUMBER 1!! Today I no longer own an EXT machine but I'm still interested in seeing how the issue resolves and what it took to resolve it simply because I started this and I want to see it finished.... But that don't mean I'm going to take the insults and attacks from people that I don't even know and most probably will never meet and we'll never have an impact on each other's life.. There were 3 people involved in this 4 including Todd, and all the sudden there's a dozen or more that just couldn't help but get involved and that should have never happened! Everyone involved is a grown man that can take care of his own self and needed NO one sticking their nose in because that only cluttered up the process! Most of the insults back and forth have done nothing to help anyone or solve any problems which is my only reason to be here.

    I feel my actions require a valid explanation as to why things took place and how it got where it got by the time it surfaced here on the forum. I've given Oleg my word to NOT stir trouble on his forum. I respect Oleg and is wishes to keep the peace. For me it's done and over if the haters feel they need to continue hating than more power to them I'm busy painting new cardboard cut outs to sell. But a thread such as this deserves a reply.

    I'm going to say this and leave it lay from not to dooms day.... Had anyone of the people that decided to make this their own reason to attack me personally posted that they had purchased a new car from let's say Ford and it was a lemon and they posted that the brakes failed 1/2 the time and the door wouldn't latch the rest of the time. And he goes on to post that when he contacted the dealer they told him repeatedly that he's simply too stupid to close a door properly and the car was designed to use the parking break totally insulting his intelligence and reporting to the dealership owner that there's no problem only a moronic customer and he can handle that .. Here's the question.............. Does anyone think I would attack them personally for trying to warn others about a problem he had ? It would be insane to attack someone warning me about something like that ... If you can agree that would be insane than it tells a lot about a few people.
    Last edited by GUNNER; 02-10-2012 at 04:53 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Fridley, Minnesota

    Default Point well said, and well taken.

    So you may wonder, why would I, a guy who doesn't even OWN an EXT have anything to say about this? Whether or not you were the sole instrument of change in this situation matters not to me, but I have a vested interest in the outcome. My intent is to have at least one EXT on my floor once all the teething is done. I wanted to be a part of the process, as in be in your shoes and have one of the first ones out, and help to bring any of these issues to light. Based on what I have read on this forum as far as your experience with it, all I can say is thank god it wasn't me, because I simply can't afford to deal with it from a business standpoint at the moment. I can't say how I would have dealt with it, as I didn't have to, and my experience with Everlast so far has been 100% positive, and I don't write that lightly. However, seeing your experience and how this all shakes out in the end will determine several things for me and my little company, and what direction I take from a business point of view. I'm praying that this is a "happily ever after" story. Whatever the outcome, I hope that you stic around and give newbs like me the tips we need.
    Good Luck!!
    "It's not magic it's experimental, kind of like washing your hands after pooping used to be." -House

    Everlast PowerTig 250EX-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerCool W300-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerTig 185 Micro-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerPlasma 70-arrived 1-26-2012
    ESAB MigMaster 250-borrowed
    HyperTherm 151 AKA "The Light Sabre"
    Linde UCC-305-964 lb. of old time water cooled TIG love-SOLD-Bad MOJO

  4. #4



    You know us pretty well by now and you know all Ext costumers will be taken care of. I am glad mike is here to stay.

    Mike .. Post some more of your work
    Post more of the bike pics if you have them


    I am here:,-122.505482
    Oleg Gladshteyn
    Phone: 650 588 8082 / 877 755 WELD
    Cell: 415 613 6664 ONLY IF YOU REALLY NEED IT

  5. #5



    For some reason .. I think gunner will end up with Everlast unit after all.

    I am here:,-122.505418
    Oleg Gladshteyn
    Phone: 650 588 8082 / 877 755 WELD
    Cell: 415 613 6664 ONLY IF YOU REALLY NEED IT

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Fridley, Minnesota


    Quote Originally Posted by Oleg View Post

    For some reason .. I think gunner will end up with Everlast unit after all.

    I am here:,-122.505418
    That is truly good news!! I hope he stays active on this forum. His projects are cool!
    "It's not magic it's experimental, kind of like washing your hands after pooping used to be." -House

    Everlast PowerTig 250EX-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerCool W300-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerTig 185 Micro-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerPlasma 70-arrived 1-26-2012
    ESAB MigMaster 250-borrowed
    HyperTherm 151 AKA "The Light Sabre"
    Linde UCC-305-964 lb. of old time water cooled TIG love-SOLD-Bad MOJO

  7. Default

    I must say, I also am a newbie, and have found it interesting that most forums have extremely limited negative posts on them. This tells me one of two things... Either they make a perfect product that NEVER messes up, or they remove negative comments. I was fortunate to be able to buy an EXT, but haven't been able to run it through it's paces. I'm glad there is somebody to make sure the problems are being addressed. I'm sure Oleg and Mark will get it resolved and take care of us batch 1 owners.

  8. #8



    Please accept my apology for the comment I made.

    Unlike many people, I have no problem admitting that I am wrong and being responsible for being wrong.

    I would also like to see your work and like many others here, learn from you.

    Best Regards!
    Everlast 250EX with cooler and WP20 Torch
    Millermatic Mig Welder
    Gas welding setup
    A bunch of Snap-On tools
    And a Brain

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