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Thread: Proj #2 SeanMurphy265 Storm Shelter Repair, Dec 3 contest

  1. #1

    Default Proj #2 SeanMurphy265 Storm Shelter Repair, Dec 3 contest

    Got a call from a storm shelter company to fix some leaks in two of their shelters. This is the first storm shelter.

    Did a little grinding to remove the paint. It had two corners leaking.

    This job was perfect for the Power Arc 140st. This is what I would call a bread and butter job for this welder. The storm shelter is made out of 11 gauge steel, and it's about 8 feet under ground.

    This side gave me fits! The reason for the leaks is the guy never properly filled in the dirt on top of the shelter. I made 3-4 passes until it quit leaking. I have never welded on anything that was leaking while I was actually welding. Not sure what the proper fix would be.

    This side was much better but I burned through at the top. Had to do some fill in work at the top.

    The outside had some type of rubber coating. This company has had good luck with these shelters not leaking. We have had a ton of rain this year, and when they are properly filled in with dirt they do not leak. I'll be honest, I think this was a bandaid or temporary fix. This thing was mig welded and several welds had pin holes. I did exactly what was asked of me, but if it was mine I would of dug it out and re coated the outside after it was welded. I told the guy to run a bead of silicon over all the welds (the entire shelter) to help with any future leaking.
    Lincoln Eagle Engine Drive
    Everlast MTS 250
    Everlast Power Tig 225lx
    HTP Mig 2400
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    Miller Spectrum 375 Extreme Plasma cutter
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    HF 20 Ton Shop Press
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    Northern Tool Drill Press

  2. #2


    Hi Sean, that's an interesting repair, and difficult because it is thin metal, if I had to deal with it, I would have wire brushed the paint off the entire inside corner, used a thin needle of silicon to squeeze into any opening and then used JB weld to attach a piece of angle iron down the whole inside corner. JB weld can do wonders on those type of leak repairs. Having a new reinforced corner of angle iron plastered on with JB Weld would look good painted over and last for a long time...
    Don't get me wrong, what you did was good, I'm just saying there are different ways of doing things....always enjoyed your posts of life in the real world..
    Some of those lies people tell about me, are true

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by geezer View Post
    Hi Sean, that's an interesting repair, and difficult because it is thin metal, if I had to deal with it, I would have wire brushed the paint off the entire inside corner, used a thin needle of silicon to squeeze into any opening and then used JB weld to attach a piece of angle iron down the whole inside corner. JB weld can do wonders on those type of leak repairs. Having a new reinforced corner of angle iron plastered on with JB Weld would look good painted over and last for a long time...
    Don't get me wrong, what you did was good, I'm just saying there are different ways of doing things....always enjoyed your posts of life in the real world..
    No, man I appreciate it! I did not feel that welding would help this in the long run. The guy that builds these told me when you properly fill the dirt around these shelters they never leak. This guy did not fill the dirt around the top, and it has a foot of water on top of the shelter. I have one more to do, and it's suppose to be only a small leak. I wish I had a spool gun with about 25-30' feet of lead for my Imig 200. It's hard to carry tools and welders up and down a ladder.

    By the way...
    Our government is paying back 80% of what this guy paid for the storm shelter. This guy has sold a bunch of them in my area. I live about 10 minutes from Smithville, MS which was literally wiped out in the spring tornadoes.
    Lincoln Eagle Engine Drive
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    Northern Tool Drill Press

  4. #4


    Great repair Sean, I think you are right though it is a band aid fix but if the owner didn't install it right the first time you wont get him to fix it right either. If that is a 90 degree corner, Geezer might be right. welding while being dripped on would surely be challenging. Would the JB Weld work with the dripping? and would this become a 2 trip job waiting for things to set up before you can repaint? I have not worked with JB Weld enough to know. Maybe combining the two Processes. A few Tacks with the 140 to hold it in place as the JB seals the deal.
    Miller Challenger 172 Mig
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    Wade Mortenson

  5. #5


    It's been years but I have used Lab Metal for a project.
    Lincoln Eagle Engine Drive
    Everlast MTS 250
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by SeanMurphy265 View Post
    I made 3-4 passes until it quit leaking. I have never welded on anything that was leaking while I was actually welding.
    I was hoping someone would comment on welding on wet metal... it seems like the water would flash to steam or its component oxygen and hydrogen, and cause problems in the weld. Is that a concern?

    It's a little annoying to have the government pick up the tab for the guy's poor installation. A foot of water on the top is a heavy load, probably compromising the safety of the structure!

    Edit, a few minutes later: can't be too much problem welding on wet metal, because it calls into question the whole science of underwater welding.
    Last edited by DaveO; 02-18-2012 at 03:02 PM.
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
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  7. #7


    Someone else would be better to explain this than me, but this is what I understand. I worked for a family owned equipment/machine shop/fab shop. We built a lot of fire trucks for volunteer fire departments. Volunteer fire departments are always needing money, and are always counting their pennies! A gas company gave a local VFD an old tanker bed they used on their 10wheeler delivery trucks. The VFD raised the money and purchased a nice used truck. We took the gas tanker and mounted it on the truck, ran all the pipe, and made it into a fire truck. Because this truck was holding 3500 gallons of water I had to weld everything up with 7018. I asked why could I not mig welder up? I was told purosity and that it will leak eventually if not sooner. By the way these shelters are over $5,000.00. It's basicly 5 5x10 sheets of 11 gauge steel.
    Lincoln Eagle Engine Drive
    Everlast MTS 250
    Everlast Power Tig 225lx
    HTP Mig 2400
    Everlast Power Plasma 60C --> Just need to finish my CNC Plasma Table!
    Miller Spectrum 375 Extreme Plasma cutter
    Victor cutting torch
    HF 20 Ton Shop Press
    HF 4x6 Band Saw
    HF Air Compressor
    Northern Tool Drill Press

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by DaveO View Post
    I was hoping someone would comment on welding on wet metal... it seems like the water would flash to steam or its component oxygen and hydrogen, and cause problems in the weld. Is that a concern?

    It's a little annoying to have the government pick up the tab for the guy's poor installation. A foot of water on the top is a heavy load, probably compromising the safety of the structure!

    Edit, a few minutes later: can't be too much problem welding on wet metal, because it calls into question the whole science of underwater welding.
    Hi DaveO, interesting you should mention the water on top and the structural loading, (kinda things I dealt with from time to time),,If I remember correctly dirt is heavier than water, so ,,,in order to regrade the surface more dirt may have to be applied which may offset the unloading of the water...not to say water on top is good,,,but there are no free lunches in that senario,,,I agree paying money for a poor installation is a waste,,,however when this fellow and his family are huddled inside when the wind is blowing,,,,the cost and value topic isn't gonna be the subject of the day,,,,these things are a good investment and in some areas they should almost be mandatory......
    Some of those lies people tell about me, are true

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