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Thread: New from Toronto, Canada

  1. #1

    Default New from Toronto, Canada

    Just wanted to say hello from Toronto, Canada.
    Now that I am fully retired or as my buddies say, "fully retarded", I decided to start teaching myself welding again.
    Starting with an old Lincoln buzz box for stick, an old Canadian Tire MIG welder and now going onto TIG.
    Problem is that if it isn't bolted down it gets welded...
    Having a lot of fun, but need a lot more seat time on TIG.
    The people at Everlast here in Canada have been great source of information and support....keep up the great work.
    I'll try to post some of my welded projects...everyone needs a laugh from time to time....


    Everlast PT 200 DX
    Everlast SU 205
    Millermatic 180 MIG
    Bridgeport S1 mill
    Brown & Sharpe surface grinder
    Myford Super 7 and ML7 lathe
    40W CO2 Laser
    60W CO2 Laser
    and many other goodies
    My lasers:
    60W CO2 laser:
    40W CO2 laser mods:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    RUSSIA.Sankt Peterburg


    Welcome to the Forum Richard!
    You have made a correct choice,here communicate many clever and kind people . To you always will help if at you will arise questions.
    EVERLAST Power Tig 255 EXT
    EWM Pico 162
    MERKLE mobimig 180K
    SELCO Genesis 352 pme

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    Quote Originally Posted by build View Post
    I decided to start teaching myself welding again.
    Good on ya, welcome Richard!

    Gotta ask... what are you doing with those lasers?!
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by DaveO View Post
    Gotta ask... what are you doing with those lasers?!
    Welcome to the forum
    Consistency is a good thing....unless you're consistently an idiot.

    Miller Matic 185
    Thermal Dynamics Pak Master 38xl
    Everlast 250EX

  5. #5


    I use the lasers to cut plywood and balsa for my radio control model aircraft as well as 2D and 3D plywood puzzles that I design.

    The small 40W laser was a junky commercial laser that I modified to cut instead of engrave.
    The larger 60W laser is what I homebrewed myself. I designed, built the complete assembly. Now I am in the process of tuning the mirrors and positioning system.

    Here a link to my video of the laser positioning system working. The laser, mirrors and focusing ###'y have not been installed as of yet.

    The reason for the TIG welder is that I have to weld up some thin walled tubing and thin angle iron to make a cover for the beast for safety reasons. Like the say, "don't look into the beam with your last good eye"

    Once I get a bit better understanding the TIG process and spending a lot seat time with the torch, the cover will be one of my first projects.

    Hope that answers your laser question.


    Everlast PT 200 DX
    Everlast SU 205
    Millermatic 180 MIG
    Bridgeport S1 mill
    Brown & Sharpe surface grinder
    Myford Super 7 and ML7 lathe
    40W CO2 Laser
    60W CO2 Laser
    and many other goodies
    My lasers:
    60W CO2 laser:
    40W CO2 laser mods:

  6. #6


    Maybe you can build a lazer-tig setup!

    Welcome to the forum! Its a good place, with some "spirited" discussions at times.



  7. #7


    Welcome to the forum Richard. sounds like you already have some fun toys. I can't wait to see some of your new projects.
    Miller Challenger 172 Mig
    Soon to be winner of a Powertig 210 EXT

    Wade Mortenson

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