This project is a control panel for a fully pneumatic machine that removes gasoline from junked vehicles. This particular part im making is for our trade show display so its going to be a little more fancy (ie. Bead blasted and anodized.). It's constructed from a 3/16" sheet 6061 aluminum and fully Tig welded. The Box Dimensions are 12"x 12"x12" with a angled removable front control panel. The box will also have a safety cover that goes over one of the switches, this will be made of aluminum as well.
This first picture is of two pieces of aluminum measuring at 12"x12" held at a 90 degree angle with two corner clamps. I made so that it is a outside corner joint single fillet.
These following three pictures are of the side panels of the box.
This is the part tacked into place.
A closer look at the tack and joint.
The joint welded.
This is a picture of Both sides Welded on.