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Thread: Powercool W300 problems

  1. #1

    Default Powercool W300 problems

    Hello all,
    I want to relate a problem I had with my PowerCool W300, in hopes that it will save someone else a big headache.
    I was welding the other day for about 10 minutes at 170 amps AC with my WP20 torch, when I happened to look at the sleeve containing my cables and noticed that the power cable melted through the water jacket. I suspected that the pump was not doing its job, even though the water reservoir would get warm when welding (suggesting there was water flow through the torch).
    I emailed tech support yesterday (with my phone # included) at 11:45 central standard time to ask for help as not to void my warranty. No response as of this morning. I decided to take matters into my own hands, and found the flow rate of water out was about 1 drop/ second. Not much flow happening there. I investigated further to find that there is a silicon rubber grommet in the reduction connector to the water out, that was restricting flow. I trimmed the inside diameter of this grommet with an exacto knife and reassembled. Water now gushed out of the connection.

    What a shame I had to burn up a perfectly good WP20 torch to find I had a problem with restricted flow from the water cooler.

    By the way, still no response from tech support.

    The PowerCool W300, PT 250EX, WP20 torch, and cart were all purchased in late December 2011.

  2. #2


    Ray should respond to you if you emailed him fairly quickly. But sometimes, depending upon the day of the week, response takes up to a full business day or so, due to to work load. It also depends upon who you emailed?

  3. #3


    I emailed Mike, as he was the one listed as "Support" under the website contact info (his name was next to the email address).
    Last edited by Cocao; 02-21-2012 at 03:51 PM.

  4. #4


    Email Ray. He should be able to give the best advice. I believe he had a unit that did this before and it was an issue with assembly or tightness..or something. Can't exactly remember, but he had an easy fix, that didn't involve trimming an oring.

  5. #5


    Thanks Mark, but I already fixed the problem except now, the quick connect out is leaking drips form the male connection,now that the water pressure is correct.. lol!

    Guess I will email Ray after all.
    Last edited by Cocao; 02-21-2012 at 04:07 PM.

  6. #6



    If you wanted a quicker response, why would you email Support instead of calling their toll free number?

    Just curious.

  7. #7


    You are correct in asking why I did not call instead of email. Regardless, I believe I gave a reasonable amount of time and provided my personal phone number also as they request for faster service.
    However, the timeliness of response is not the issue I want to stress here, rather that something as critical as a water cooler should be Thoroughly tested before releasing it to the customer who may incur negative results as I have.

  8. #8


    The water coolers have been superbly reliable. Main components are built in Italy. Recently we have had a couple with a restriction issue as you have said. Testing these units occurs at the factory, but it things still get by from time to time.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Cocao View Post
    something as critical as a water cooler should be Thoroughly tested before releasing it to the customer who may incur negative results as I have.
    LOL - Sorry. I ride a Harley-Davidson, and that just sounded funny to me. On a Harley forum, we'd call that a machine built on Monday.

  10. #10


    Just a quick water flow visual inspection would do the trick. Otherwise the unit is very nice and of sound construction.

    "Monday Monday.."
    Last edited by Cocao; 02-21-2012 at 04:52 PM.

  11. #11


    To be safe on the water cooler I always open the lid and look in once and a while. You can see the return water streaming in. It is just an open pipe and the water flows out it.
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  12. #12


    I just talked to Ray by phone, and he was more than fair with me about the power cable that got burned up. I will send it back for replacement.

    Thanks Ray!
    And thank you Alex!!
    Last edited by Cocao; 02-23-2012 at 07:51 PM.

  13. #13


    This is why I used a piece of clear Tygon tubing. Easy to see the flow when you turn on the cooler.
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