I have a band saw that uses a little 110v motor with a metal blade. If you don't rush it it cuts sheet metal just fine. Ive cut aluminum, steel, stainless, and copper all with no problem.
I have a band saw that uses a little 110v motor with a metal blade. If you don't rush it it cuts sheet metal just fine. Ive cut aluminum, steel, stainless, and copper all with no problem.
Power tig 225lx
Hand tools up the wazoo.
ok cool. I have a little 110 band saw that I might try that with. How thick of stuff can you cut with it.
everlast power arc 200
Lincoln electric 225 tombstone
lawn mowers
I can cut 1/4 aluminum no problem. You'll want one with a little bigger teeth for aluminum so they don't get clogged up. I've cut 1/4 copper bars, 14gauge stainless and 1/8 steel plate. Don't feed it too hard, just ease the cuts along. On mine you can hear if the motor is struggling or not.
Power tig 225lx
Hand tools up the wazoo.
Hmm ill have to see about getting a metal blade. Mainly would just be using it for quick little cuts that dont want to get the saw saw out or chop saw.
everlast power arc 200
Lincoln electric 225 tombstone
lawn mowers
I forgot to mention on the ferrous metals you just want to watch out for excessive heating as not to work harden the metal. If this happens its a pain to cut through especially on stainless. Also though I was always told not to wear gloves around moving blades, I wear them when cutting the smaller stuff especially copper and aluminum cause it gets hot.
Power tig 225lx
Hand tools up the wazoo.
I can tell you that wood bandsaws run at much higher speeds (talking about feet per minute of the moving blade) than metal cutting bandsaws. It might work OK on aluminum though. I hear that generally speaking, a setup that is good for cutting hardwood, works well for aluminum too.
I've seen skillsaws used very effectively for cutting aluminum sheet in the 1/16-1/8" thick range. Clamp a straight piece of wood to the sheet to use as a guide if possible, and use a blade with carbide teeth. Might need to wear hearing protection.
I remember seeing this baby sized skillsaw (circular saw) that worked great on aluminum and was nice and compact too. Its blade was smaller diameter than most and I remember the blade being more lined up with the handle than the average one so it seemed like it wouldn't torque on your wrist and seemed a little safer to me. I wish I had that one.
Oh, I almost forgot to add.... I know they make cutoff wheels for aluminum too. I've been meaning to pick one up to try for my 4.5" angle grinder. I have a 4.5" grinding wheel for aluminum and find it's a *really* useful tool. Normal cutoff wheels and grinding wheels are no good for aluminum though, because they load up. The kind made for aluminum seem to shed their abrasive grains more aggressively than standard grinding wheels, and at least for that reason, don't get as loaded up (and actually work.)
Last edited by jakeru; 02-22-2012 at 04:25 AM.
'13 Everlast 255EXT
'07 Everlast Super200P
I shear the straits and band saw the profiles. However if you don't have a shear or band saw you can use a circular saw with a carbide blade and a jig saw for profiles... Bosh makes the best jig saw bar none and the best blade as well.
Wood working bandsaws work great despite the high SFPM but leave a rough finish. The only real issue is that they can clog up, especially with gummy aluminium. Hosing 'er down with WD-40 helps a lot. You'll know when it happens as the blade stops cutting well and your aluminum gets really hot. Stop and you'll find the gullets have aluminum smeared in them.
I don't think this is what you are interested in, but adding this for completeness.
No one has mentioned the basic electric jig saw. A jig saw would probably cut through that aluminum as fast and as straight as a Plasma cutter.
Avoid Sears Home Improvement!
- Lincoln Invertec V100 with TIG
- Ready Welder
- Lincoln Ranger 8 (gone)
Has anyone used stick lube?
Mike R.
Email: admineverlast@everlastwelders.com
877-755-9353 x203
M-F 12 - 7PM PST
FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.
We cut up to 3" thick plate with a large handheld crcular saw. It is a big air powered industrial unit.
For sheet / plate up to 1/2" we use a milwaukee panel saw http://www.milwaukeetool.com/tools/s...el-saw/6480-20
there are quite a few companies that make metal specific circular saws and blades. A standard circular saw will work as well for light duty use.
Everlast 200DX
Everlast PT185
Shoptask 3-in-1 (not currently in my garage, but I own it...)
Any day on a motorcycle like this that ends just needing parts and labor is a good day.
4.82, 158.67mph 1/8th mile 7.350, 200.35mph 1/4 mile
Did not even think about a panel saw, probably as good as a shear and a lot cheaper.
Consistency is a good thing....unless you're consistently an idiot.
Miller Matic 185
Thermal Dynamics Pak Master 38xl
Everlast 250EX
I picked up a Ridgid 14" wood cutting bandsaw off craigslist for $150 practically new, they said it didn't work but it was only missing the safety switch. Went to Lowes and bought a 18TPI metal band saw blade and I have used it for cutting .1 Aluminum sheet, and 1/4" Aluminum plate and it works GREAT.