My parents bought a 32 inch LCD tv for their bedroom. They wanted to be able to watch tv while walking on the treadmill or watch it in bed. I fabbed up a wall mound that would mount to an outside corner and swing out in both directions.
I used a piece of 2 inch by 1/8'' thick angle iron for the bracket that was going to be screw to the wall. The piece of tubing is a piece of scrap I had laying. Its about 18 inches long. the tubes that having the bolts going through them is 1 inch OD tubing with a 3/4 inch ID. I made 4 custom bushings out of steel that had a 3/8 ID and would fit into the tube snuggly. Its all MIG welded together. The bracket is held to the wall with 4 3'' long drywall screws. I was going to use lags, but my dad and I decided that the drywall screws were strong enough and he didn't want bigger holes in his wall.
The bracket that is attached to the tv is 2 parts. There are 2 pieces of 3/16 by 1'' flat stock with the 4 mounting holes drilled and 4 - 1/4x28 holes that the second piece mounts to. the rest of it also uses the same size flat stock.
pic 1 shows the tv in the position that is used for walking on the treadmill.
pic 2 shows it close to where my mom puts it when she watched tv in bed.
the rest are pretty self explanatory i think.