I have been working on these hubs for over a year. They are for a project that I started over 3 years ago right after I graduated high school. I got a Suzuki gs550 engine off of ebay and started building a go-kart frame around. 3 years later, I have learned so much that I realised that using hot rolled square tubing wasn't going to cut it. Currently, its all in limbo. Im trying to decide what I'm going to do with the mess I created over 3 years.
Hub. The main shaft is made form 8620 alloy steel. I want to have them case hardened so the seal doesn't wear out the shaft. the outer housing is a piece of unknown alloy steel that was about 2.25'' in diameter. I know from welding in a mis-drilled hole in another project that this alloy is hardenable. It cuts kind of like a grade 8 bolt. I made a custom boring bar to cut out the center to size. The bearing are just trailer bearings. The hub fits a standard metric ATV tire. I believe its a 115 mm bolt pattern. The driven side of the shaft has an adapter that goes form the 7/8'' shaft to the 1.25'' universal joints i have.