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Thread: Annoying "Share this with your friends" window

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Eastern Oregon


    Quote Originally Posted by Spike View Post
    I second that. I've never seen a single one.

    what linux do you run, redbeard?
    Ubuntu on the server, the shop box and the wife's laptop. Gentoo on my office machine (only slightly less painful than the self-flagellation of the pre-internet days)
    Penncrest Buzzbox - Infinite amp control! Man the 70's were good.
    Everlast Powerplasma 60 - Reliable unit, cuts well.
    Everlast i-MIG 250P w/spoolgun - Really smooth, plenty of cajones.
    Everlast 250EXT - Sometimes it just takes a kick in the balls...
    Everlast 255EXT - Just started playing

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by everlastsupport View Post
    Just load the plug-in, nothing else to do.
    The plugin, by design, broke pretty much every other website that I use on a daily basis. I've had to unload it, since I was spending more time managing the plug in than doing anything else. I think you guys should just get rid of the widget.

    Power Pro 256

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Greater Seattle, WA


    Everlast management - please "do the right thing" and remove these extremely annoying pop-ups from your web site, at least on your forum pages, rather than forcing everyone to have to reconfigure their web browsers to block them.
    '13 Everlast 255EXT
    '07 Everlast Super200P

  4. #24


    Though I also dislike the bar and have blocked it, I understand why it is there. Social Media is huge in this current time for business growth. I personally do not hardly touch a social media site but the impact these have now days has gone un-real in my mind. At work, we have recently developed into our software ways which we may block access to specific features of big social media sites network wide. Social Media has become a huge marketing tool.
    Everlast 255EXT - Perfection
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  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by posixPilot View Post
    The plugin, by design, broke pretty much every other website that I use on a daily basis. I've had to unload it, since I was spending more time managing the plug in than doing anything else. I think you guys should just get rid of the widget.

    Used it for years, on the internet many hours a day. I like knowing when someone wants to run their remote script on my computer. Sorry it was not for you.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  6. #26


    What I am saying is that by recommending NoScript, you may have unwittingly broken other websites for the folks that use it. Javascript is everywhere. I can't send an email or book a flight with out it. Not everyone that installs this is going to understand that NoScript is "helping" them by preventing them from paying bills or keeping the calendar widget from popping up. Some sites I could only fix by globally disabling NoScript, which completely defeats the purpose.

    I second jakeru here. Do the right thing, and turn it off.
    Power Pro 256

  7. #27


    NoScript is a great tool to monitor what scripts run from sites in your browser. Not a bad thing to know. Simple to enable sites you frequent.

    Some reading is required to use it like everything. I do not bank over the internet myself. I order things and deal with the problems that causes, took years before I would even do that.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Eastern Oregon


    Quote Originally Posted by everlastsupport View Post
    NoScript is a great tool to monitor what scripts run from sites in your browser. Not a bad thing to know. Simple to enable sites you frequent.
    Agreed, I've seen some sites that try to run scripts from 15-20 different domains, it's getting ridiculous.

    Usually when something doesn't work (like embedded videos or scribd type stuff) you can guess which ones to grant temporary permissions to for it to work.

    On a side note, does anybody know what the 'cdn' I keep seeing in domain names stands for? (i.e., etc.)
    Penncrest Buzzbox - Infinite amp control! Man the 70's were good.
    Everlast Powerplasma 60 - Reliable unit, cuts well.
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  9. #29
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    Quote Originally Posted by redbeard View Post
    does anybody know what the 'cdn' I keep seeing in domain names stands for? (i.e., etc.)
    "Content distribution network" or "content delivery network". (I had to look it up.) Some info, here:

    It appears to be a strategy for bandwidth-intensive content providers to speed delivery, by sending data from the server nearest to the user, for instance.
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
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  10. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Eastern Oregon


    Quote Originally Posted by DaveO View Post
    "Content distribution network" or "content delivery network". (I had to look it up.) Some info, here:

    It appears to be a strategy for bandwidth-intensive content providers to speed delivery, by sending data from the server nearest to the user, for instance.
    Thanks, I figured it had something to do with traffic management for the big boys, just couldn't get a handle on the acronym.
    Penncrest Buzzbox - Infinite amp control! Man the 70's were good.
    Everlast Powerplasma 60 - Reliable unit, cuts well.
    Everlast i-MIG 250P w/spoolgun - Really smooth, plenty of cajones.
    Everlast 250EXT - Sometimes it just takes a kick in the balls...
    Everlast 255EXT - Just started playing

  11. #31


    That banner is gone, but now pictures don't come up when I hover on them. Anybody else have this problem?
    Everlast PowerPlasma70
    Hobart Ironman 230
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    'Classic' Everlast Powertig 200DX 'We don't need no steenkin pre-flow..'

  12. #32


    It was removed a bit ago.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  13. #33


    Thanks for doing the right thing. Everlast is one of the only companies that listen to their costomers.
    Everlast PowerTig 250EX
    Everlast PowerCool 300
    Everlast PowerPlasma 70
    Lincoln Powermig 215
    Magnum SG Spool Gun
    Don't jump on my Gomba

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