Wanting some practice with my new 225LX, I decided that I should build something that is useful but doesn't necessarily have to be perfect. I asked my wife what she wanted me to make. She told me to make a piggy bank in the shape of a heart for our 7yr old daughter. So I told her to go draw out a heart on a peice of .1 Aluminum sheet and I cut it out on the bandsaw and made it 2" wide. I used my #9 torch with a 1/16" Lanthanated Tungsten, 1/16" 4043 Aluminum fill rod, set the amps to about 88 amps with frequency maxxed out and ac balance as low as it could go. I think it turned out pretty good for having 0 seat time on Aluminum in about a yr. I deffinately need more time welding aluminum as my welds were pretty inconsistant but I never burned through and was able to get a stacked dime effect pretty well. I pretty much learned how the heat warps the metal and how it pulls.