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Thread: Tig Cart for 200DX

  1. #1

    Default Tig Cart for 200DX

    This was my second project using the 200DX but this time I only used the DC TIG function. My first project was the 4 Ton toe jack using the stick function only shown in an early forum listing. only

    Since this was my first attempt at TIG welding ferrous materials after spending time welding scrap pieces, I thought that a welding cart would fit the bill. They all pretty well look the same, with large wheels on the back and smaller ones on the front. I designed the cart to try to integrate as many types of welding joints as possible for this type of simple structure. In some areas where the joints do not require strength, I used a fusion weld with no filler. I'm still learning so there were no "stack of dimes" look on my welds, but I guess that comes with time. I did not use the foot pedal, but rather used the 2T function with pulse at about 1 sec per. Pulse ratio was set to about 115A at the high setting and 75A at the lower setting.

    The material that was used on the cart was primarily scrap angle iron of 1.5" x 1.5" x .125" thick. The axle was 1/2" and the cable hooks were 5/16". Everything was from my junk bin or my buddies junk bins.

    There are a few more items that I would like to add on such as some sort of welding rod storage, but that will come later. I did not paint it as of cold in the garage at this time of year.

    Well back to burning more rod and emptying more Argon



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    Everlast PT 200 DX
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    and many other goodies
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  2. #2


    Nice job ... may I suggest a piece of sheet metal on the bottom so you will have a catch all for incidentals. By the way the Powertig 200DX is my next planned purchase ... How do you like yours?
    Last edited by Winky; 05-09-2012 at 01:01 PM. Reason: added more
    Powertig 200DX
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    and a bunch of other tools

  3. #3


    Nice and simple! That's what I like! I would suggest strapping your welder down. One issue I have on my tig cart is the bottle hitting the back of the welder. I have two of the smaller argon bottles, and when I use a larger bottle it pushes the welder forward and hangs over my cart. If you think you will get a larger bottle you may want to do a little adjusting. The smaller bottles and tig welding = $$$ in gas!
    Lincoln Eagle Engine Drive
    Everlast MTS 250
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  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by SeanMurphy265 View Post
    Nice and simple! That's what I like! I would suggest strapping your welder down. One issue I have on my tig cart is the bottle hitting the back of the welder. I have two of the smaller argon bottles, and when I use a larger bottle it pushes the welder forward and hangs over my cart. If you think you will get a larger bottle you may want to do a little adjusting. The smaller bottles and tig welding = $$$ in gas!
    That is so very true ... I've gone with 80 CF bottles for both my mig and tig. The carts they are on are very similar to the one he made ... I find with the 80's you have a fair amount of gas but you can still move the cart around with ease and it doesn't feel like it wants to tip over.
    Powertig 200DX
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    and a bunch of other tools

  5. #5


    Nice looking cart. I like the simplicity and smaller size. I may have to imitate some features when I eventually get around to fabricating a cart.
    "Engineering is the art of modelling materials we do not wholly understand, into shapes we cannot precisely analyze so as to withstand forces we cannot properly assess, in such a way that the public has no reason to suspect the extent of our ignorance."

    - Dr. AR Dykes

  6. #6


    Thank you for the compliment.
    You are absolutely right about putting down a sheet on the bottom, I just didn't have anything floating around at that time, but I do now.
    As for the 200DX, although I am not a welder and cannot compare it against anything else, all I can say is that I am enjoying it very much. Where I see the drawback is the actual cable between the torch and unit. Its quite stiff and large. The new blue and red machines have the gas flowing within the cable and the connector is a quick disconnect for the gas.
    I am looking at upgrading to a better and more flexible cable, but I have to figure out how to make it work. I also bought myself a smaller #9 torch with the flexible head. I am using that one more than the 26 that was sent with the machine.
    The other issue which may or may not be an issue is that the fan within the unit is quite loud. Other than than.... you will enjoy the machine.
    Everlast PT 200 DX
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  7. Default

    How long did it take you to build it?

    Did you use any kind of plans or sketch or just wing it?
    New to welding!
    Lots of Snap-On tools
    In need of more toys

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by ncsugrad2006 View Post
    How long did it take you to build it?

    Did you use any kind of plans or sketch or just wing it?
    I have been copying plans and adding in my own ideas... One thing to look at is the welder in actually fairly narrow... And if you make the cart taller or use a larger tank you probably want to go wider so it does not get very top heavy. I was thinking of going with a wider wheel base.

    Do a search on carts and you will find several people who have built them... Keep taking the good ideas... And add your own...
    Shade tree MIG welder.
    Now a Shade tree TIG welder.

  9. #9


    I think it took me about 6-8 hours elapsed time since this was the first time that I built anything like that. As for plans, I sketched it out on paper first and then drew it up on AUTOCAD, just because I could. Scrounging for parts took time as well.
    Bottom line is this, get a concept in your head, get some metal and start welding it together. Its not rocket science, its just a lot of fun. One thing I would recommend is to get the main parts dimension such as the tank and welder and work from there. The rest of the stuff that is added is by the seat of your pants. Bottom line is to have fun!

    Quote Originally Posted by ncsugrad2006 View Post
    How long did it take you to build it?

    Did you use any kind of plans or sketch or just wing it?
    Everlast PT 200 DX
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