Hi, I'm finally getting around to practicing with my pu205. I have two questions:
1) when I was using the plasma cutter, after a cut, the air wouldn't quit coming from the nozzle until I turned the machine off and start over again?
2) I'm practicing with my tig using the foot pedal:
A) I can't set the amperage, or I'm doing something wrong. I was trying to set the amperage to, say 50 amps max, but it still goes to max despite the machine being set at its lowest amp. However, the display reads -006, doesn't go to zero, is it supposed to go to zero with the foot pedal let off?
B) the argon keeps flowing after I let off of the pedal, unless I turn the machine off. Argon is going quickly at this rate. Yikes!
Thought I'd try here before calling tech; )
My work area for practicing, pretty cool?